Chapter 8

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Her words spilled out at me faster than I could comprehend the fact that she was reprimanding me about the stunt I pulled during our run. Her face was red and her throat was probably going to be sore later if she kept this yelling up. I couldn't help but notice how that little vein in her head stuck out slightly when she was pissed.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME EMBER!?" Ever yelled, putting her hands on her hips and staring at me with her eyebrow raised.

"Huh?" I said, pulling myself out of the daze I go into when she, or anyone for that matter, goes off about something that I don't feel like listening to.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" She screamed and whipped around and faced the gate, scrubbing at her face with her hands. She was quiet for a minute, her yelling before was enough to draw the crowd of people away from the truck that they were unpacking behind us, preparing to take it to storage.

"You could have died... I- I didn't know where you were. I wouldn't have had a- a way to find out if-." She stopped talking and turned back to face me. "Please don't take off on me like that again. I don't care how much trouble we are in. I swear to - to whoever the fuck is out there, if you take off like that again in an attempt to be a hero, whenever I find you, you're going to wish you were dead. I love you but I will kick your stupid ass if you EVER do something like that again." She let out a huge sigh and shook her head toward the ground.

She sounded truly upset about this. I haven't seen her this shaken up in a really long time. I honestly felt like an asshole. Even if I did what I did trying to protect everyone.

"Ever, I'm sorry. Honestly. I'm sorry. I didn't think you would be this upset. I mean, you know me, you know how I am." She looked at me then. Tears threatening to fall down her face.

"Just don't do that again. You have to give me some kind of warning- some kind of- I don't know. Just something  to let me know you are going to be okay." 

"I can't see the future Ever. I don't know if I'll be okay pulling the stunts I do. But I promise I will try to let you know what I'm going to do before I go risking my life again. I'm sorry" I reached toward her with my arms outstretched. 

She fell into my embrace and I felt a small sob rattle her body. I rubbed her back in small circles and waited for her to calm down.

She sniffled as she pulled out of the hug.

I raised my eyebrows, hoping to send a silent message seeing if she was okay. 

She must have known what I was trying to ask because she gave a little nod and took a deep breath to calm herself.

I cleared my throat and scanned the crowd that had gathered around us. I guess hearing Ever and I shout gave everyone the all clear to leave their houses.

"This place is amazing Ember." I turned toward the voice and noticed Janice looking around at all the houses and people.

"Well I'm glad you like it. Hopefully you all will be happy here. I'm sorry to cut our conversation short but there is something I have to take care of. I hope this will not effect your opinion of our little establishment." I patted her on the shoulder and sighed as I walked toward the main gate and turned to face the crowd of people watching me with wide eyes.

"I assume most of you know that something tragic has taken place in our absence." I saw heads nodding in response as I looked around, trying to figure out how to break the news about Helen to everyone. I also noticed Ever give me a quizzical stare. I pointed my eyes towards the ground and continued.

"Everyone remembers Dick, that was exiled not that long ago. Yes, well- he apparently never left. Or at least not very far. You see, upon my return I noticed that no one was answering my call at the gate. I decided to walk around the perimeter and noticed that a slat of metal was out of place. Apparently Dick crawled in, and with the intent of finishing off his wife, killed our guard on duty and proceeded to finish what he started. I regret to inform everyone that he was successful."

There were gasps and shaking of heads. I glanced at Ever and noticed that she was just looking down, shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Where is he now?!" An elderly woman at the front of the crowd shouted.

"He has been disposed of. He is no longer a threat to our society."

Everyone that I could see was nodding there heads. No one looked angry or displeased.

"As a result though, everyone is to remain in their homes until further notice. Think of it as a day off. All guards will be notified when they can return to their duties. Any questions?" I put my hands behind my back and scanned the crowd.

Everyone was silent, so I nodded and walked to Ever, who was standing beside Jax and Jesse, Janice and Mason making their way over through the dispersing crowd.

"I'm sorry you all had to come at such a disastrous moment. Um, Ever, If you want to take these four and find Cade he should know if the apartments are finished and ready for move in. If they are then find these guys a place to call their own. I have some things to take care of." She nodded and led the four new members away to be placed in their new homes.

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