Chapter 6

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"Hello Ember, I'm Eve. I'm going to be your main doctor for your stay here. Follow me and I'll show you where your going to be staying."

I remember that place very well, as I should. I spent five years of my life there. The first few months weren't that bad. I had a roof over my head, a room to call my own, even though the bed was only a sheet of metal welded onto the wall. The best part was that I had three square meals a day, something I wasnt used to having since I lived on the streets and in multiple halfway houses since the day I turned thirteen. 

Three years of the homeless life flew passed and a few months after I turned sixteen I met a man under an overpass. He was dressed as a normal everyday bum, the raggedy hair, torn clothes and the usual sketchy eyes that darted left and right every few seconds.

The man stopped me as I was going to walk by him, "Hey, Pssst. Girl, yeah you. Come over here for a minute?" 

I was pretty calm about the whole situation, I'd seen a hundred druggies by now, this one wasn't really different. I figured he probably wanted to sell me some drugs or something. "No thanks, I dont use that stuff." I said as I tucked my hands into the worn-out pockets of my gray hoodie.

"Im not sellin' nothin'. But I am willing to buy somethin' from ya."

I started to get a little creeped, I mean, yeah I was pretty desperate for money. But I wasnt that in need. I hated those guys that think I'm some kind of hooker, I am still a virgin after all and I found it pretty insulting that a woman on the street was automatically a whore that you could pay for a "favor".

"Not interested." I said as I turned to walk away again.

"Now don't go gettin' the wrong idea here sweetheart. I ain't lookin' for none a' that. I'm lookin' to make a deal. Some people I work for are lookin' for somethin' and they want me to find it. Some goverment people and what not. All you got to do is roll up that pretty little sleeve and let me take a little of your blood." He said waving a sealed syringe around.

"What would I get in return?" I asked. I wasnt really sure about this guy and this whole deal wasn't something I had heard of before but I was gonna roll with it anyway.

"You see thats all part of this here deal. You give me just a little of your blood, and your name of course, and I give you this crisp Fifty dollar bill." He pulled out a folded up bill from his right pocket and wiggled it a little before returning it to its place.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I asked.

"Nope, just a government thing. The only catch is that you cant tell no one about this conversation. Its not my place to tell you what happens if you do, you'll just have to find out for yourself. So, do we have a deal?"

After all was said and done, I walked away with a whopping fifty dollars. I also later found out that they were taking blood from bums and homeless people because they were more likely to agree to the deal since there was money involved.

About a week after that sketchy man took my blood two men walked up to me on the street. They told me that they were from the CDC or whatever and that they had tested my blood. It had something they needed and if I came with them they would provide shelter, food and a monthly sum of 1,500$.

Who was I to turn that down?

Like I said before, the first few months flew passed. They would come in once I got healthy enough and take blood once a day. They would make me run on treadmills and take self defense classes. They taught me how to use an assortment of weapons and they even taught me how to drive with a simulator that some technical team invented in their down time.

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