Chapter 9

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I walked down the street towards Helen's old house contemplating on how we could possibly clean up all that blood in order for that house to be inhabitable again. I mean, maybe we could just burn it down. But that would just attract unwanted attention. We only had limited cleaning supplies and we would be using half our supply in towels just to mop up the blood.


I didn't have time to become further frustrated before a muscular frame snatched me to its side and proceeded to crush the life out of me in a bear hug.

My arms were pinned down to my sides by Axels' and my head was forced to lay against his chest, his heart hammering in my ear. I began to blush just as he shoved me away from him, grabbing the tops of my arms and making me face him.

"Don't you EVER do that shit again." He said in what I interpreted to be an angry voice.

He let me go and blew out an exasperated breath before turning away to walk back down the street. I watched him walk away, wiping a hand down his face and shaking his head.

I was so stunned that I just stood there in the middle of the street watching his retreating form until he turned a corner and was out of sight.

What the fuck just happened?

He comes out of nowhere, squeezes the life out of me, reprimands me and then storms off?

I don't understand it. And as I was walking around aimlessly now, the whole scene just kept playing over in my head. Our little conversation back at the strip mall came to me to.

'Did he really care about me?'

I just shook my head, I couldn't think about this now. I needed to get back to what I was doing, and he made me waste enough time already.


As I was making my way back to the center of town I noticed Jax out walking around.

"Hey Jax!" I shouted, waving him over to me.

He looked in my direction and caught sight of me, smiling.

"What's up?" He asked sauntering over and placing his hands in the pockets of his faded blue jeans.

"Strange question, but, how strong of a stomach do you have?" 

He just chuckled, "Well, lets see. I spent the most recent part of my life slaughtering zombies, so I imagine its pretty strong. Why do you ask?"

"I know this is a really horrible thing to ask of you seeing as how you just got here, but as I explained in that meeting earlier, we have had some pretty shitty things happen recently and we have a lot of clean up to do. If you catch my drift." I said looking him in the eye.

"Well, how much clean up are we talkin' here?"

I let out a sigh," Lets just say, its gonna take a while. There is so much blood I don't think that house is ever going to be lived in again. We might have to use it for storage or maybe rip it apart and turn it into a greenhouse or something. The carpets are ruined and the walls are going to have to be repainted. Im thinking maybe just clean up as much as we can and tear the carpets up. Ill figure out something to do with the place."

He nodded his head slowly. 

"Well, it is a bit gruesome but i'll help ya if ya need it." 

"Thank you so much. Now I just have to find some other people to help us out."


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