Chapter 10

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"Sit still Ember, do not make me sedate you. This will only take a moment if you would just cooperate." 

"I WANT TO GO HOME!" I could hear them behind me messing with the syringe wrapper and various vials of strangely colored liquid that they carried in only moments before.

"WHAT HOME EMBER?! You and I both know that you had nothing before we found you. No one who wanted you, no one who cared. So why are you fighting this so hard? What could you possibly have to go back to?"

She stared at me waiting for a reply, but truthfully, she was right. I had nothing. 

No friends, no family. Nothing to call my own.

She was right. But the life I had before would be better than this hell.

Eve swiped a hand down her face when my flailing continued.

I felt a small pinch in my neck and realized that I hadnt noticed the man walk over with the tranquilizer.

I hated this kind of sedative and Eve knew it. It only made your body unable to move. A paralysis of sorts. You could still feel everything. You were wide awake, but unable to move.

"Why can't you just listen to me Ember?"

I just stared at her, my eyes being the only thing I had any control of.

"Start with serum Z-34." Eve gave the instruction to the timid doctor behind me.

The needle hurt, being two inches long. But that was nothing compared to whatever was inside it. 

It felt like they were injecting me with fire. I could feel it travel through my veins. The fire spread up my arm, through my chest and submerged my lower body in flames.

I tried to hold in my screams for this whole process but as I felt the searing pain spread up my neck and ever so slowly invade my brain, I couldnt hold them back any longer.


"Ember. Shh, Shh. Its okay. Ember, wake up."

I felt something shaking me and I could hear myself screaming.

I shot up and looked around the room.

I was in my bed, not in that lab. I was wearing my normal boy shorts and cami, not those cloths they made me wear.

It was Axel beside me. Not Eve.

He was staring at me with concerned eyes, silently asking if I was alright.

- And I most certainly wasn't.

I couldn't hold in my tears. I couldn't keep up this facade anymore. Always acting like nothings wrong, trying to be strong. Always pretending that I'm not as fucked up as I know I am.

I fell into his arms and just let everything loose. I let all my cares go for those few moments and just cried.

I could feel his arms wrapped around me. I barely noticed when he cradled me in his arms so he could re-adjust our position so that he was sitting on the bed and i was on his lap buried in his chest.

I dont know how long we sat there before I finally started to calm down.

I felt him rub soothing circles on my back as my cries quieted into small sniffles.

"Shh, it'll be alright Em. I'm here."

I lifted my face up off his chest and noticed that his bare skin was soaked with my tears and probably snot. I wiped mindlessly at his chest.

"I'm sorry. I got you wet." I said, my voice a little raspy.

"I'm not worried about that Em, I'm worried about you. Are you alright? I mean, I know the stress was getting to you but is that all?" He creased his brow.

"No. That's not all." I sighed and looked up at him. "Conversation for another time?"

"Any time you need me, I'll be here. You know that." He moved my hair behind my ear and squeezed me against his chest until i heard my breath leave my lungs involuntarily.

"You're... Killing.... ME! You big brute! Let me go." I wrestled for just a minute before he dumped me on the bed and leaned over me.

"Anytime you need me. For anything. Remember that, ok?"

"Yeah yeah. Get out of here. I gotta change." I pushed at his chest and he chuckled as he stood. I saw him turn to leave the room, his hand on the doorknob.

"Axel?" I said, my voice quiet.


"... Thank you... " 

He nodded and just before he turned away I saw that sweet, lopsided grin that I rarely ever see.


All right guys and gals. I just thought I would give a little nudge to Ember and Axels relationship, because all good stories have to have a little love right?

Anyway, PLEASE let me know what you think.

Feedback of anykind is welcome. Unless of course you are just saying things to be mean.

Possibly more chapters soon? I dont know yet.

Happy reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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