The Clear Creek Remake

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Blue eyes open as the teacher calls her name. "Debbie, this is the second time you've fallen asleep. Put your head down again, and you're getting a detention."

"Sorry Mr. Isaac." she says rubbing her eyes.


Debbie steps into the courtyard of the school, sipping on her cup of coffee. Her long brown hair bounces at every step she takes. Her slim figure rests on the bench, where she is greeted by a young dark skinned man. He wears a red and yellow striped sweater.

"Hey Deb." he says sitting on the bench. Debbie smiles at him. "How was third period?"

"Did Yvonne tell you? Jeez, Cleo. Let me tell you. I could barely keep my eyes open."

"Yeah, you were practically dead." says Yvonne walking up to the bench carrying her textbook. "Pep up, we have a test tomorrow."

"I know. It's just so hard to sleep in that house. Knowing everything that happened there."

"Yeah.. it wasn't that long ago either." says Cleo.

"Oh come on. It's over with. Dean Oals is dead. No more bloodbath. This town has seen enough." says Yvonne adjusting her glasses.

"Where's Andy?" Debbie says after she takes a sip from her cup.

"He's at the Environmental Club meeting. You know how much of a dork he is." Cleo says leaning back on the chair.

"He's not a dork. He's sweet." Debbie says with a little smile.

"You do you, Debbie." Yvonne says.


The school day is over. The sky is turning pink as the cold air runs and blows through Clear Creek. Debbie sits on the school bus, playing music through her white headphones.

She gets off at her stop, holding her schoolbag tightly as she walks down the street. Other teens walk past her, all in a group, laughing, while Debbie walks by herself, kicking the dry leaves on the sidewalk. Looking down at the ground, she bops her head to the music. A cold gust of wind blows directly at her, making her pause in her steps. Leaves swarm around her as she continues to walk. She looks up, and watches as a shady figure stands at the other side of the street, facing her. Debbie looks back down, staring at the figure with the corner of her eye and speeds up down the sidewalk. She turns to the right, her hands in her pocket. She turns back around and looks at the figure, who is now standing in the middle of the street. Chills run down her spine as she begins to sprint down the street. Panting, she turns to the house on the left and opens the door.

"Debbie, you okay?" says Mr. Borne stepping out of his office.

"Yeah, I'm fine Patrick. It's just really chilly outside."

"Yeah, you know how the northern states get ridiculously colder than the southern ones."

"Yeah, right." she says taking off her school bag. She sets it in the corner.

"Where's my Mom?"

"She's upstairs on her tablet."


"Yeah, I bought her one just today! I bought you one as well. It's in your room." he says smiling.

"I don't need a tablet and I don't need you to buy me anything." Debbie says walking up the stairs.

"Hey, come on. I'm just trying to be nice."

"You took my laptop away 2 weeks ago. You're not even my Dad! How is that nice?"

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