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"Hey, where are you?" says Reese from the webcam. He sits in his bed, his face unshaven. "I came to visit today but you weren't in your apartment? Long ass drive for nothing."

"I'm sorry Reese. I'm back in Clear Creek." she says sitting on the desk, resting her head on her hand. "I'm coming back tomorrow night, though."

"What're you doing back there?" he says in a fearful tone. "I can't go back there."

"I know, it was kind of hard for me too, but.. I did it because I needed answers. And I got them."

"Answers to what? The murder spree?"

"Yes. And, I just found out I have a step mom with my mom's last name, and she has a daughter. Her name is Debbie. Super adorable, but I don't know. It's a lot to take in. Anyways, I know what happened to my Mom."

"Are you just finding out the truth? Jesus Christ, what happened? I thought she was dead?"

"She's not. She ran away with another man. My Dad kicked her out."

"Damn, not a very faithful housewife, is she?" he says in surprise.

"I still don't get it, though. My Mom left me, but what? Why is the killer still after me?"

"Think about it. Put the pieces together. The killer is saying he wants revenge. Your Mom is out of the picture. He's posting pictures of your family on that Instagram account."

"And the only way those pictures could've gotten there is that.. if my Dad posted them there. No one else is has those pictures." Julie widens her eyes, confused ad shocked. "My Dad can't be the killer. No way."

"Why not? It's kind of like Friday the 13th; vengeful parent kills off people because of neglect. Maybe he's gotten so crazy because of the murders, he's coming after you, triggered by the departure of his wife."

"Reese, you sound ridiculous right now. It can't be my Dad. He's been in Clear Creek this whole time, unless he has magical powers that allow to fly to California and back to Indiana. Besides, I don't think this one is alone. Isa brought up that there could be actually two killers. One in San Diego and another in San Francisco."

"Huh, you're right. That would explain you and Heather's attacks."

"Exactly. Something isn't adding up." Out of the blue, her cell phone begins to ring. She looks down and checks her phone, looking at the Unknown Number calling her. "It's the Killer."

"Put him on speaker."

Julie nods and accepts the call. She taps the speaker button and speaks.

"Hello?" she says.

"Welcome home, Julie. How're you spending your night?"

"How nice of you to ask." she says in a sarcastic voice. "What do you want?"

"I want to make this a stay you'll remember forever. Nothing better than some Clear Creek hospitality, Dean Oals style."

"Don't you dare hurt anyone you piece of shit!"

"Do you talk to your mother with that tongue? I might have to rip it out."

"You heard me once, and I'm going to say it again. Leave these people alone. This town has had enough loss!"

"Well the body count is going to add up. It's time for this new generation to meet their maker."

"What're you talking about?" she says. Reese signals Julie to move in closer to the computer screen. She nods and waits as he begins to type in the chat: "New generation = new group of friends. The new Julie and her friends = Debbie and her friends!"

"I think your little friend just explained it very well. Enjoy your stay." says the killer before hanging up.

"Shit!" she says throwing her phone on the ground. "What do I do? I can't let them die!" she says.

"Call your Dad! Tell him they're in danger!" he says.


Debbie has her arms raised in the air as the wind brushes against her body as the bike zooms towards the school's football field. The rush of rebellious youth kicks in, letting Debbie give out a screech of freedom. Andy laughs as he slows down, his black hat sliding off his head as he approaches the fence around the field.

"Where's Yvonne?" says Andy stopping the bike in the rocks. Debbie slips off the bike and scratches her head, as she yawns. "She said she'd meet us here."

"I don't know. Let me text her." she says. Debbie pulls out her phone and slides her way to Yvonne's contact. She begins to type.


She begins to type.

"Playing hide and seek. Go to the field."

"She said she's playing hide and seek?" Debbie says handing the phone to Andy. He shrugs. "Oh well, come on." she says holding Andy's hand. He smiles as they walk towards the gate, hands intertwined. The air cools down on their skin as they see a black figure in the middle of the field.

"Yvonne? Is that you!?" screams Andy. The two curious teens approach the black blob in the middle of the football field. "Why are you so quiet?"


"Dad!" she screams on the phone.

"What? Anything else you want to ask me?" he says.

"No, no! Listen to me! Debbie and her friends are in danger! The killer just called me and said he was going to hurt them!" she says putting one hand on her forehead, worrying for the lives of the teens.

"No way. She's upstairs in her bedroom."

"Dad! I'm telling you! She's in danger!"

In the background, Martha is heard yelling Debbie's name. Patrick turns around and looks up, spotting Martha walking down the stairs with a frightened expression on her face. "Patrick, Debbie's not in her room!" Patrick looks back towards the front door and sees that it is slightly open, and widens his eyes.

"Get your phone out and look at her location." he yells to Martha. A few moments pass, and Martha responds. "She's at the football field!"


"Turn on your flashlight." says Debbie as they continue to slowly approach the figure. Andy nods, pulling out his phone from his pocket. Suddenly, a heavy thud is heard around the entire field, and white lights blind the teens in the field. Andy and Debbie look around, realizing that the lights to the field have been turned on, illuminating the entire field.

The shadow is revealed to be Yvonne, strapped to a chair, with her mouth taped up.

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