AMELIA AND JOHN B managed to evade the sirens for the time being. John B was the first to break the silence as the two teens began to process the events that took place at the lighthouse.
"Hey, look. You've-you've got to admit, that was kinda promising," John B bargained "I mean, my dad, the Royal Merchant, the ranger, the Royal Merchant. I mean, coincidence?" John B asked, "I don't--I don't think so", John B stated, answering his question.
"It's his job to know about shipwrecks, JB" Amelia reminded him.
"Okay, but the Royal Merchant?" John B challenged
"That's like the most famous shipwreck of all time, JB, everybody knows about it.", Amelia countered "Redfield's one of the most common names in the Outerbanks. That could mean anything," Amelia added as she stepped in line with John B.
"But look, as wild-goose chases go, this was a good one," Amelia said with a small smile.
"Look, I don't know. Maybe we missed something at the lighthouse. We--we should go back," John B proposed.
Amelia stared at John B, a mixture of sympathy and understanding filling her heart. She understood why John B was so determined to find the Royal Merchant. But she had to admit that it was beginning to become a bit obsessive.
"You believe me, right?" John B chuckled "Right?" John B confirmed as Amelia put her head down
"I think there might be some light to moderate concocting going on at this point", Amelia admitted "Look, uh...I get it-"
"Mils, come on", John B groaned.
"-You miss your dad, I know", Amelia sympathised "I just..I don't understand why he would put a clue on a compass," Amelia confessed.
"Cause he knew it would get back to me", John B justified.
Amelia's heart ached a little as she looked at John B. She didn't know what to say to him. Truth be told, she didn't think anything she said would help, and she wished more than anything that she did.
"You're losing it. You gotta pull it together," Amelia whispered as she embraced John B.
As Amelia and John B released each other from the embrace, they stared at each other for a moment. Then, suddenly, John B leaned forward, and Amelia's lips met his.
"Uh.." Amelia uttered, pulling away "What was that?" Amelia asked, confused.
"You..Uh..I'm--" John B uttered
"Uh.." Amelia muttered as both teens tried to process what had just happened.
"I'm...Shit. I'm...I'm sorry," John B apologised "I--I--"
"It's okay." Amelia comforted
"Oh god. I'm an idiot," John B declared
No.. it's okay, JB. It's okay," Amelia comforted.
"I'm--It's just because I'm freaking out...about my dad and the DCS stuff. I can't breathe sometimes," John B rambled.
"No. Stop. It's okay. I get--Stop. It's okay, I get--I know. Look, I don't even mind," Amelia disclosed
"What?" John B asked
"It's just the rules, you know?" Amelia asked
"Yeah, yeah." John B uttered in confusion
"No Pogue-on-Pogue macking", Amelia reminded.
"Right, rules", John B drawled.
Just then, the sounds of sirens filled the teens' ears.

TROUBLE | JJ Maybank
FanfictionAmelia Cameron was born into the privileged world of the Kooks, raised amidst wealth and the kind of luxury most could only dream of. But despite her family's fortune, Amelia never fully embraced the life that was expected of her. Living on the isl...