"Proditiophobia". The fear of when you are being betrayed in any way by someone.
The time is 17:34pm on a wednesday. Birds are singing, flowers coming into bloom, and the people of earth are somewhat thriving. It is the kofun period an-... Where am I going with this? Where is the doomslayer?..
Of all the vast realms in the infinite multiverse created by davoth, The only story we truly learn about was the slayer's. His successes:
Saving earth from the khan maykr's rule.
being rid of the hell priests.
Saving his new universe from the Icon of sin, and possibly many more.
and freeing all of creation from the grasp of the dark lord, the Progenitor of all things.
as well as his failures, while only 3, were still what ruined his mental state for the rest of his never ending life. He lost his family, then his universe of origin, and failed to stop the demons from taking Argent d'nur. And while compelling, his story is the only one we learn, so how about we make this tale about someone else. Somewhere else. Something else.
Without any further distractions, lets do just that. Starting from the top.