Chapter 3

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Elise's P.O.V

"Elise, how could you do that to me? How could you let me die?" Robert's face showed a hateful look. "I thought you were my best friend! You were the cause of my death."

By now tears were falling uncontrollably from my eyes.
"Robert, you know I really didn't know you were going to have an accident. It was an accident, goddamit! You are my best friend. I'm sorry! Please forgive me." I fell to my knees begging him.

"No, El. I died because of YOU. I can't forgive you. I hate you!"

"No, Robert!"

I jolted awake to find myself on my bed in my house. I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples. That same dream has been haunting me since Robert's death.

Robin and Tessa burst into the room. They looked really scared and concerned. Tess immediately came over and hugged me.
"El, are you alright? We heard your scream." I just nodded while hugging Tess. "I just had that dream again." Robin came and sat down beside me and held my hand. "El, It wasn't your fault, you remember that right?" I mumbled a quite 'yes' and wiped my dry tears.
"I'm okay now. What's the time by the way?" Tess let go of me and sat beside me. "It's seven o'clock. Do you maybe wanna get ready for school early so that later you don't have to hurry?"
"Yeah, I guess I'll do that."
After that Robin and Tess left my room leaving me to get ready.

*30 minutes later*

I had take a shower, put on a casual outfit which happened to be an ATL tank top, black skinny jeans and my converse. I had applied very light makeup and tied my hair in a high ponytail.

I settled down on my bed with my acoustic guitar in my lap and started playing a random tune. Yes, I did play the guitar and I also sang but I wouldn't say I was too good at it. I wrote my songs too when I felt like. I started playing one of my own songs and soon got lost in the world of music. I closed my eyes and hummed along to the song.

I opened my eyes after singing for a while and opened my iPhone to see the time. 8:50. Oh fuck, I had to be at school in 10 minutes. I put my guitar in it's case and put it away. I grabbed my backpack amd went downstairs. I wished Dezi 'Good morning' and kissed her on the cheek. She returned the greeting with, " Good monin, Eli aunty." and a toothy grin. She still couldn't say 'R' and 'G'. I informed Tess and Robin I was leaving and that I was taking my car today as I had missed the bus. I grabbed a granola bar because I wasn't hungry.
I went outside and got in my car. I couldn't be late today. I can drive because I had my learner's license my brother had gotten me a permit from the driving institute.

I reached school with 4 minutes to spare. I quickly parked my car in the school's parking lot. As I got out I saw everyone looking at me and my car and some boys whistled at my car. I rolled my eyes at them. Yeah, that was because I owned a blue Nissan GTR. I even saw Luke, Calum and Michael there. They all smiled at me and I returned the gesture. I sprinted to my homeroom and sat at my usual desk. The boys sat at their desks beside me right before Ms. Smith entered.

Within minutes, Ms. Smith had taken the attendance and now we were walking to our first class of the day which was choir for me. I actually have only sang in choir when Mrs. Benson was giving us grades.

When I entered my class, my eyes landed on 3 familiar faces, Luke, Calum and Michael. The only seats left in the class was on Luke's right as Michael and Calum sat on his left. Oh great. I trotted over and sat beside Luke. They turned to me and the three held proud and accomplished looks. Okaaay, weird much. I just gave a small smile and turned to the front of the class.
Mrs. Benson had entered the class and was standing by the board.
"Okay, everyone. Today, I will be grading you on your singing. You will come to the front of the class and sing any song of your choice." The whole class groaned including me. I don't really love singing in front of people. All the people in my this year's class had never heard me sing before. This was a different section.

"So, lets start. It will be in alphabetical order. Calum Hood? You're up now."
Some girls cheered at that but Calum didn't seem to want to sing. He walked over to the front and told Mrs. Benson the song he was singing. He finished singing and the class erupted into cheers. He sang I See Fire by Ed Sheeran and I have to say he did a good job at it. Mrs. Benson clapped and said, "Bravo, Calum. You have a great voice." He was smiling proudly as he walked over to his seat.

Other than some people the rest of the class before me sang really good. "Elise Johnson? Your turn now. Come on up." I walked to the front nervously, biting my lips and grabbed a guitar from the side. I sat on the seat and looked at Mrs. Benson for approval. She smiled and nodded. I took a deep breath and started singing Take Me To Church by Hozier.

"My lover's got a humour

He's the giggle at a funeral

Knows everybody's disapproval

I should've worshipped him sooner

If the heavens did ever speak..."

I finished the song and all I could hear was silence. I slowly opened one eye and then the other. Everyone just seemed so... shocked.
Everyone snapped out of their trance and the class erupted with applause. Michael even jumped on his chair. "El, that was fucking brilliant." I smiled at him.
"Thanks, Michael."
Mrs. Benson now spoke up. "Elise, you were great as always. Keep up the good work. You may return to your seat now and Michael no swearing in class." I muttered a quite 'Thank You' and went to my seat. Luke patted my back when I sat down.

The rest of the students had finished and most had really good voices. Luke sang Titanium by David Guetta and Michael sang Demons by Imagine Dragons. They both absolutely nailed it. We would get our results next week.

*At lunch*

I bought my lunch and went to sit at my table. The usual. I was listening to music when someone nudged my shoulder. I looked up and saw Calum's face right in front of mine. I jumped back in surprise and hit my head on the table.

"CALUM!" He just started chuckling.
"Sorry, El." He said between laughs. I just scowled at him and looked around. I saw Luke and Michael sitting at my table and the table was surrounded by some... guards?

"Guys, what is this?" I pointed to the guards.
"Oh, those are bodyguards. We went over what you said yesterday. So we got permission to keep them. Now no one will disturb us and we can be friends." Michael explained with ease.
"No one has ever done anything like that just to befriend me." I muttered under my breath. Luke must have heard me because he replied, "But now we did."
"How did you get permission from the principal so easily?" I asked, completely baffled.
"Oh, you mean my mom?" I looked at Calum as if he was from another world.
"Wait... What? Your mom is the principal? As in the headmistress of this hell hole we study in and call Falcon High?"
Calum laughed at my exaggeration. "Yes, believe it or not she is."
I really couldn't believe it.
"But you know, you really didn't have to do all this."
"Oh but we did." Now I understand why they had those accomplished looks in the choir. They were smiling widely. So was I.


Aloha, people of this world. How are you all doing?
I wrote this chapter while my cousin was nagging at me. I love her but rn she is bein extremely annoying.
That picture to the top made me crack up and my mom thought I was crazy. That's something all moms do. Is it something in the mommy universe or some shit? And I'm rambling yet again.
Anywayyy, what did you think of what the boys did?
I am going through my phase of when everything seems fucked up to me. Don't wanna bother you all with my shit tho.
Sooo, I'll talk to you all love people later. Mwah.


(QOTC: WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR? Mine is purple and blue.)

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