Chapter 54 - Confrontation

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Arnav lay awake next to Khushi, who had finally fallen asleep, sobbing. It killed him to see her cry, especially after their evening out, when she had been laughing.

How could Payal do this to her sister, he thought, and then chided himself. Bit rich, him thinking that, when he had been the one to make Khushi cry the most. Until not very long ago, it was he who had made Khushi cry, and probably Payal who watched her helplessly.

He got out of bed and went downstairs, car keys in hand. If Khushi made Jalebi when she was agitated, he drove aimlessly around Delhi streets at night. It helped him sort through his thoughts.

But he stopped as he passed the stairs – Payal was sitting alone at the poolside. Abruptly making up his mind, he went to speak to her.

She started when she heard him, and then fixed him with that now-familiar empty stare.

"Payal, I want to talk to you," he said.

"I've learnt to be afraid when you say that, Arnavji," she replied, her voice flat. "The last time you said that, you apologized for something you did, and then went on to do even worse."

He sighed. "You're angry at me. Don't take it out on Khushi. She –"

"Oh really?" Payal stood up, her face etched with fury. "So now you're concerned about Khushi!"

"Believe it or not, I am."

"I have nothing to say to you, and I don't want to hear anything from you."

"You've already rejected my apology," he said.

She shook her head. "You know, Khushi once told me your apology is actually a gold medal. Only lucky winners get it."

He stood watching her, silent.

"She was obsessed with you. I should have seen it before. From the moment she met you, she has been obsessed. Day and night, all she did was talk about you."


"Do you know why I am still here? To protect her. Because from the beginning, she has hidden all the things you have done to her from me. So spare me the apology, and don't tell me that you love her, or that she loves you. Because she is blind, but I will not let you do anything else to her."

"You wouldn't have stayed for Akash?" He asked softly.

"Akash!" Her voice was harsh. "What kind of person lets all those things happen to someone in front of their eyes? Everything that you did, and he never said a word. He never stopped you. Never spoke up. Oh, he felt bad! But he is too cowardly to do anything. And after you married her – he still didn't tell me what you were capable of. I asked Khushi a hundred times. Akash knew what I was thinking. He knew I was right, that you were capable of doing the worst. And still he kept his mouth shut."

"You knew what I had done too."

"I didn't know the extent of it. You told her to wear tiny clothes. You made her stand in the rain all night. Just to torture her..."

"I didn't mean for her to actually – I thought she would give up and quit," Arnav said. "I know that's not an excuse, but –"

"It's not an excuse. And you dropped her to the ground from a floor up."

"There were boxes there to break her fall..."

She laughed mirthlessly at this. "You see? You have a justification for everything. How can I trust a man who did that, to not hurt my sister again? I don't trust you. And I don't care that Khushi trusts you. Yes, she told me that. But she always hid the worst of you from me, even then, when she said she hated you."

"Akash is a good person. He didn't know everything that happened at AR at the time. He wasn't there, except that time in the rain, and that photo shoot. He did defend her for the photo shoot."

"He knew later. He knew what you could do. But he chose to hide it too. To protect you."

"It was a misunderstanding. I was wrong, and I made mistakes, but what I saw on the terrace, and what Shyam told me –"

"So what will you do the next time there's a misunderstanding?"

"I'll never doubt Khushi again. I didn't know her then like I know her now..."

"There's no point to this conversation, Arnav ji. Khushi won't listen to me. I can't do anything about it. But I'll always keep an eye on you."

"She cried herself to sleep."

Payal's face hardened.

"I'm not saying don't keep an eye on me. Do, by all means. But, Payal... I don't think she hid things from you because she wanted to protect me. She fought back every step of the way. I think she hid things to protect you – so that you wouldn't be upset. You know Khushi – she thinks she is responsible for everyone's happiness."

Payal sat down abruptly at this.

"You still don't know the extent of what I did to Khushi. I broke her heart. She got engaged to Shyam because of me. I thought I was in the right. I didn't understand her and I didn't trust her. But that has changed now. And I promised myself I will never hurt Khushi again. I will do everything in my power – anything – to keep her happy."

Payal turned her face away.

"I want to apologize for what I did to you. And Akash too – I threatened to break you two up to force Khushi to marry me. It was the only thing that would make her agree. But it was just a bluff. I was doing it for Di, but even then, if Khushi had not agreed, I would never do that to Akash. And, honestly, I know Akash wouldn't just give you up."

"I'm not asking for forgiveness," Arnav said, when Payal didn't speak. "I'm saying sorry. Khushi is unhappy because you are unhappy. And I can't see her like this. But I'm not just apologizing for her. I want you and Akash to be happy too."

"I don't see a way out, Arnavji," Payal said finally. "I don't trust you, and I don't trust Akash anymore."

Arnav pursed his lips. "On the day I got attacked, I had left Buaji's house, because I realized I didn't deserve Khushi. But when I was in the hospital, Khushi was there the whole time. Whether I deserve it or not, she wants to be with me. And I know what it is to lose someone. I can't do that to her."

"If she wants to leave you, you will let her go?"

Arnav swallowed. "If she wants to leave...? Yes I will."

"I will convince her to leave you, then."

Arnav clenched his jaw.

"I'll make her see – that you can't be trusted. That you are an abusive man. You can't control your temper, you can't see beyond your own convictions, however wrong you are."

"Payal... I know you want Khushi to be happy. I'll do everything in my power to keep her happy. I hope one day you'll believe that. And I hope one day you'll forgive Akash."

Payal shook her head.

"I understand. I would never let Shyam come near my sister again, no matter what. But – I want to ask you for another chance. For Khushi..."

"Please leave, Arnav ji."

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