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One thing about me and Jungkook ? We are not morning people. When I say we don't talk to each other when we wake up, I mean dead silence. All you'll get out of us is a dry "morning" and maybe a grunt if you're lucky.

When we eat breakfast ? Quiet. Bathroom ? Quiet. It's only after we shower that we start getting talkative.

Jungkook steps out, towel hanging low on his hips, and sits on the edge of the bed, his hair still dripping. He glances over at me with that sleepy, half-lidded look that always makes me melt a little, but I keep it together.

You sleep good ? He asks, voice deep and groggy, like he's still half-asleep.

Mhmm, I hum, stretching. You?

Yeah, I'm good, he mumbles, running a hand through his wet hair.

I turn around, suddenly remembering something.

Wait... where are we even flying to tomorrow?

He chuckles, shaking his head.

You don't even ask anymore.

Because why would I ? You're the one making the plans; I just show up.

I head to his dresser, pulling out some sweats and a hoodie. I can feel Jungkook watching me, and when I turn around, he's leaning back on his hands, smirking like he's got something to say.

What ? I ask, slipping the hoodie over my head.

Nothing, he says, but his smirk deepens. You just look cute.

I roll my eyes, trying to act unbothered, but my cheeks feel warm.

You only think I look cute when I look a mess.

He laughs.

Nah, I mean it. Hoodie, messy hair—it's a vibe. He says while dressing up too.

I shake my head, tying the strings of the hoodie dramatically.

Okay, thanks, but can we go shopping ?

Sorry, baby. But it's better not to take the risk of people seeing us.

This life ain't for me. I could never be an idol. I would get canceled the day after I join the company.

Jungkook laughs.

First off, I'd be on Weverse Live immediately, talking shit about other groups with my fans. Then I'd start going out with boys on purpose, just to make people mad. Every single thing they hate? I'd do it. Like, 'Y'all wanna hate me ? Let me give you a real reason to.'

Jungkook shakes his head, still laughing.

They'd kick you out of the industry so fast.

And I'd be fine with it. Y'all could just breathe, and someone would have a problem with it. But honestly, you handle it so well. I'd be fighting everybody.

I've gotten used to it. It's part of the job. But you? You'd make headlines every day.

Facts, I say with a grin. "Mylann says ARMYs need a job." No, for real, though. You know Jennie, right? That's my girl. She tells me about it sometimes, and I'm like, 'Bitch, make them hate you even harder. Do what you want. They're gonna talk regardless.'

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