Hey Mylann, I want to apologize for everything that's happened online. I acted out of line, and I should have approached you directly instead of letting my feelings get the best of me. I was hurt and jumped to conclusions about you and Drew without talking to you or him first, which was totally my bad. I didn't mean to stir up drama or make things worse. Sorry again, and I hope we can fix this.
Left on red.
W/ 𝙅𝙆Mylann
Call me. I miss you 🥺JK
I gotta tell you something
very importantJK
I don't wanna know.Mylann
Why ? Are you still mad ? 🥺JK
You think you're
funny ?Mylann
Don't leave me on read.JK
Bro, I'm busy !
We'll talk later.Mylann
Who's your bro exactly
Cause I know you ain't
talking about me, right ?JK
Don't you have
work to do ? Cause
you seem like u very
bored right nowMylann
I miss you.
24h without hearing
your voice is too long 🥺JK
The emoji does not make
you cute at all ( just saying)
And next time think twice
before posting a dude on
your IGMylann
I can delete it if you want 🥺JK
You shouldn't have done
it in the first placeMylann
You quite upset for
someone who claims
that I don't owe him
It's call respect.
Ever heard of it ?Mylann
No. Please, enlighten me
It was a joke 🙄
I understand.
I'm sorry. I won't post
my FRIENDS anymoreJK
He's not your friend
He's a man who had a
crush on you.Mylann
Okay and I said I was sorry
I won't post him anymoreJK
Do you forgive me ? 🥺JK
Call me, so I can
hear your voice daddy.