Shrill howls of laughter drifted up from where the bravest of the younger years frolicked at the edges of the Great Lake. Splashing in the frigid waters was worth the risk of frostbite to show off for their more sensible friends who stayed further inland. Hermione's eyes were closed and her face was raised towards the warm beams of sunlight as she ignored the impulse to meddle in the equally childish schoolyard game next to her.
"Shag Dumbledore, he's been around forever and has to have picked up a couple of tricks by now... Marry Sprout, she takes good care of her plants... Kill Flitwick, he has been piling on the homework lately..." Seamus reluctantly answered the outrageous framework laid out for him by Ginny.
The responding cackles of levity made her cave and she snuck a sympathetic peek at the flush-faced wizard.
"Imagine that grizzly coin purse coming at your face!" Dean's jest drew more laughter along with a couple of horrified looks.
"We could have lived our whole lives without that visual, thanks." Ron chimed in, turning the particular shade of green that signaled he was close to being sick.
There were murmurs of agreement from everyone present. Encouraged by the relatively lenient hazing compared to other explanations, Seamus smirked while taunting his friend back, "Your turn then... A unicorn, veela, and graphorn."
"Shag the veela, duh... Marry the unicorn, you could sell their hairs... Kill the graphorn, for obvious reasons..." Dean listed off easily, not giving his reasonings much thought.
"Come on now..." Harry joined in on the fun, his arm wrapped loosely around the waist of the unusually quiet redhead at his side. "You wouldn't be curious about those tentacles?!?"
"Ewww! Gross, nobody wants to hear about your weird kinks, man!" Mock disgust twisted Seamus' face into a spot-on impression of smelling spoilt milk. "Before we know it, you are going to be telling us the godawful details about banging Ginny on your Firebolt."
Having just returned to a somewhat normal color, the shade of crimson Ron turned was a valid concern. Even more distressing was the measured tone in which he delivered his sharp warning. "Hey, watch your mouth, Finnigan... That is my sister you are talkin' about."
Hermione caved, mostly to mute the hushed whisperings of the targeted couple as they jokingly began to work out the logistics of said endeavor, and interrupted the impending quarrel. "I thought the point of this stupid game was to start conversations... Not an open excuse to roast each other?"
"There is no point, Hermione, it's all in good fun," Seamus explained like she had managed to miss the obvious purpose of the pastime.
"Fun? For who? Ronald almost vomited and had a stroke in the span of minutes. Ginny was near tears over the things said to her about choosing to have relations with Lockhart. Neville quit without answering... The choices are supposed to encourage reflection and an actual discussion between participants."
"Show us how it should be done then, Miss Know-It-All," Dean retorted, defensive after the scolding.
"Fine." She shrugged and turned to the other side of the small circle. "Luna..."
The witch looked up from the newest edition of the Quibbler in her lap. "Yes?"
"Would you like to give it a go?"
"I would. Thank you for asking." Luna smiled and handed the newspaper to Neville, who had been helping her solve the issue's Rune Riddle.
"Neville, Ron, and Dean."
Anyone But Me
Fanfiction"Would you like to play a game?" These were words that started Hermione on a journey she could never have imagined she'd take. Rated M for a REASON. Read the Author's Note before starting! Dark Themes & Explicit Content will be in later Chapters. Dr...