Mr Dodge stood dumbfounded as Ms Camdyn walked away, her head held high, her creaseless dress reflecting the overhead light. She refused to acknowledge his countless sacrifices and extra hours. To her, he was merely an asset, available whenever needed. He stormed back into the classroom, slamming the door behind him. The entire room shook as if hit by a split-second earthquake, causing dust from the ceiling tiles to rain down onto the floor.
His hands pressed against his face as he screamed into them for several seconds. Everyone glanced at each other, unsure of what to say, while others giggled. He returned to his desk, his face still blanched from the pressure he had applied. Bit by bit, it regained a pinkish tinge, though not much. Alfie zeroed his gaze on him, the sunlight glinting off his glasses, concealing his eyes. Mr Dodge mumbled about how nobody in the school valued him—a statement that could not be argued.
The periodic bell rang, causing a racket throughout the institution. Period two had ended. Mr Dodge squinted at his watch, bewildered that his double English lesson had concluded. He looked up at the class, but the chance to share his final thoughts had vanished like dust. The students and their belongings had already departed, with the last few lingering at the doorway.
Alfie entered the courtyard. He firmly held a chicken wrap from the cafeteria in his hand. His brunet hair flicked up and down, brushing against his glasses. Large groups of students dominated the space, each gathering in distinct cliques. His eyes roved about, landing on Keiko, who sat alone at a distance. He grimaced.
That girl has serious issues. I don't understand her problem, lashing out at me over some stupid, brown booklet. Hmm...come to think of it, what was in it anyway?
He approached her cautiously, hoping she wouldn't look back. His feet twisted around sticks as he took large steps over certain areas. He made it behind her, peeking over her shoulder. His heart pounded like an African drum. He exhaled, composing himself as best he could, then leaned in further, bringing her work into full view.
It wasn't the brown booklet. Disappointment weighed heavily on his mind. She wasn't even writing. Keiko's wrist gracefully moved across her paper, shading areas like a professional. He was captivated by her artwork—a stunning, semi-realistic sketch of a bird nestled among the branches of a tree. The quality of the drawing blew his mind. She raised her head, individual strands of her hair fluttering in the wind.
She focused on the bird ahead of her, then dropped her head back down. Her wrist continued its supple flicking, masterfully capturing the lights and shadows of her sketch. Alfie briefly looked up. A wood pigeon was nesting in the fork of the school's cherry tree, its buds plump and vibrant, ready to burst into a spectacle of white at any moment.
Ah, so that's what she's drawing. I guess she's into nature as well? This is the type of stuff I love to capture on camera.
Retaining his earlier stealth, he stepped some distance away before tapping the gallery app on his phone. He opened the nature album, which contained several beautifully taken shots of assorted natural phenomena—photos he had taken personally with his reliable Canon. Though only a small fraction of what he originally snapped remained. Crackles and pops surrounded his hand as he squeezed his phone case, the troubling memories flooding back.
I won't let hackers destroy my passion. Not again. I need to ace this final exam, get into college, and study cybersecurity. I'll do whatever it takes to help people feel safe and secure online.

A Rift Between Us
General FictionTwo secondary school students, Alfie and Keiko, find themselves entangled in a web of misunderstandings and unspoken feelings. Alfie, a diligent student with dreams of attending Westminster Kingsway College in London, and Keiko, a spirited girl desp...