Mr Dodge's arm lashed out, grabbing the stapler from Alfie's hand.
"The day's almost over. You can do this when you get home."
Alfie turned his head toward the clock above the door. Unlike most clocks, the second hand sailed serenely in a circle, locking Alfie in a brief trance. It was 2:45 PM, not long before the day was over.
I guess he's right. I might as well wait until I'm home.
A rhythmic scratching followed his heels until he reached his seat. His body collapsed with a sigh. He fumbled for his backpack, the revision bundle in his other hand, fingers swiping through open air. The loop handle eluded his grasp. He looked down, eyebrows raised in shock.
Of course. I'm not surprised. She's really getting on my nerves.
Alfie raised his head to the left of his screen, only to find Keiko already in position. Her cold eyes pierced through his like icicles. His lips softly parted as his eyes darted away. A rustle took over as he folded the revision notes, sliding them into his blazer's inner pocket. A torn piece of paper caught his gaze, trapped beneath the myriads of cables under the desks. His hand met some resistance as he tried to pull it free.
It tore in half, leaving the other piece stuck in place. His pupils danced as he thought about how to structure his question. He scribbled rapidly on the paper, pushing it towards Keiko. Her hand shot out, snatching it like a hungry animal. The corners of her eyes creased as snorts came from her nose. Alfie watched as the note he handed her rained down on the desk in tiny pieces. She flung her fingers apart, sending whatever was left over her keyboard.
Why'd she do that?
His cheeks trembled as he confronted her again. He manoeuvred his head through the opening, his voice hushed as he spoke.
"Give me my bag..."
Keiko's head leaned in, her mouth contorting as if ready to strike.
"You wanna try and say that again, nerd?"
A vein in her fist protruded as it shuddered with her pen in hand. The cap was off, exposing the pointed tip. Alfie receded, his eyes moving to the computer screen beside him to avoid Keiko's glare.
Stand up to her...Stand. Up. To. Her.
Their eyes locked once more. His heart galloped in his chest, the skin on his face blazing as if in a sauna.
"I need my bag."
A few heads turned as he realised how loudly he had spoken. A ceramic clang echoed through the room. A ring of coffee formed around the base of the mug.
"Alfie, stay behind when the bell goes. You're having an hour's detention. I'm tired of this."
Laughter rushed across the room as students poked over their computers to stare at Alfie. A grin appeared on Keiko's face, small bursts of air slipping from her nose as she tried to hold her laughter. A melodic chime showered the school. Screeches filled the room as everyone got up, pressing power buttons left, right and centre. A dark blue hue covered the computer screens as the systems began shutting down.
Alfie eyed them as they left, slumped in his chair with his fingers interlocked. One by one, they exited, leaving him behind. As they walked away, their voices rose in animated whispers, exchanging juicy gossip among themselves.
He turned to the right, noticing Keiko holding his bag in front of her torso, her head tilted to one side. She flung it through the air, narrowly missing the desktops as her body lunged forward. It slammed into his chest, barely missing his face.
Her hands swiped against each other as if dusting them off, watching him intently. She strolled towards the door, being the last to leave. The corner of her mouth raised as they finally broke eye contact when she exited. Mr Dodge swiftly downed the last of his coffee.
"Follow me. The registration room. You'll be having your detention there."
Alfie's head hung as he weaved his arm through the strap of his backpack. Seconds later, the tannoy erupted. The same light-hearted melody from the first period played before the croaky voice spoke again.
"Will Mr Dodge report to the office immediately, that's Mr Dodge needed at the office."

A Rift Between Us
General FictionTwo secondary school students, Alfie and Keiko, find themselves entangled in a web of misunderstandings and unspoken feelings. Alfie, a diligent student with dreams of attending Westminster Kingsway College in London, and Keiko, a spirited girl desp...