He unlocked his phone, opening the message from her unsaved number.
Keiko: U better be awake. You'll never pass these exams, at least not until u revise w/ me. 05:47
His eyes glazed over the screen, her antics growing increasingly predictable. A weary sigh escaped his lips as he swiped up, revealing her latest message.
Keiko: Why aren't u in registration, nerd?? Everyone else is already here. 08:41
His thumbs hovered over the keyboard, searching for the right words. They moved slowly, deliberately, like a garden snail inching its way towards its next meal.
Alfie: I've come down with something. I'm feeling pretty weak, plus I overslept. I won't be able to make it. 09:46
He hit send, pulling the phone away from his face as it neared the bedside table. A vibration buzzed in his palm, halting his movement. The screen lit up.
Keiko: Whatever, I don't care. I'll call u at lunch and we can do it over the phone. 09:47
Alfie closed his eyes, letting the phone fall softly against his forehead. Her persistence was astounding. He rhythmically tapped his wrist, a low thrum pulsing through his head.
I wanna do it by myself, not with you, dammit!
He distanced it from his face, studying his messages. His fingers tapped across the cold screen, still chilled from its lack of overnight use.
Alfie: Sorry, I'm not even able to speak properly. My throat is in pain and everything. You'll have to tackle it alone. 09:49
Alfie's throat tightened as he waited for her reply, his eyes glued to the screen. Second after agonising second ticked by, and still, nothing. Relief washed over him as he tossed his phone onto the bedside table. With a groan, he forced himself to sit up. His body heavy, drained of its usual energy.
His toes wiggled and curled, a nervous habit. His back hunched, he shuffled closer to his bag and unzipped it, pulling out his notebook and the worn copy of Orwell's '1984'. A sloshing sound caught his attention, like waves lapping at a rock pool. Aggnus entered the room, carrying a large bowl of steaming water and a towel draped over her shoulder.
"This will help clear out all your mucous, I've added basil too as a-"
She halted mid-sentence, her expression turning stony as she fixed her gaze on Alfie's hand. Kneeling, she placed the bowl of water on the carpet, sending hot droplets flying. With a determined stride, she moved towards him, her hand gently pushing his back towards the bed. Alfie shifted with her, unsure how to react to her sudden change in demeanour.
"No, no sweetheart, it's not time for revising. You're not well and you need to rest yourself. I'll go get a stool to place the bowl on."
Great, here we go again.
"Mum, I can stay on my bed while looking at my notes."
Her brows furrowed in disapproval as she snatched the novel and notebook from his grasp.
"No Alfie. You're going to rest. I took this day off work to take care of you, not to watch you revise while you're sick."

A Rift Between Us
Aktuelle LiteraturTwo secondary school students, Alfie and Keiko, find themselves entangled in a web of misunderstandings and unspoken feelings. Alfie, a diligent student with dreams of attending Westminster Kingsway College in London, and Keiko, a spirited girl desp...