A sequence of scratches followed Mr Dodge as he slogged around the room, his feet heavy like anvils. The revision sheets landed with a twist, some falling to the floor. His footsteps echoed through the room, his back hunched as he entered and exited each row. Each paper he distributed made his body tense up and ache. The mere fluttering sound of the sheets irritated his mind.
They didn't want to give me that promotion, but now they want me covering every blasted teacher who's away. What a circus of a workplace...
He rubbed his eyes as he returned to his seat, the veins in his eyelids pushing against the skin. His attention was drawn to a cleaner, whose wheeled mop bucket squeaked down the corridor. He strode to the door, yanked it open, and stepped in front of her. Her tiny hands tensed around the mop shaft, her body curling back in shock.
"Excuse me, could you watch my class for a moment? I need to grab a coffee."
His left hand slid into his pocket as he scampered towards the staff room. She watched him leave, not having a single chance to respond. She turned her head, slipping into the ICT suite like a shadow in the night. Her hands tightened around the mop shaft, hugging it close to her body. All eyes scanned her for a few seconds before a sea of voices broke the silence.
Alfie's finger hit the power button on his computer, ignoring the surrounding chatter. His eyes dropped to the revision papers as he awaited the login screen. Some questions were easy and answerable without any research. Pulling a pen from his bag, he filled out some sections. The login bar popped up. Type. Enter. Internet. Google. His eyes returned to the papers, teeth gritting as he read. Many of the questions delved into unfamiliar territory.
Should I know this stuff? There's not much time left.
"Hey, nerd."
That voice. He hunched his shoulders, his face etched with tension. He ignored her, keeping his focus on his computer screen. Keiko tilted her head past her own computer, straining to catch a quick glimpse of him.
"Nerd, don't make me call you a second time."
Alfie's shoulders sagged like wilted foliage. He tilted his head past his screen, revealing Keiko waiting for him. She smiled, looking straight into his eyes.
"That's better. It shouldn't take you this long to answer me."
Alfie rubbed his forehead, his eyes shifting around as he tried to think of what to say.
"Sorry...I was focused on this."
He briefly picked up his revision papers, showing her, before letting them fall beside his keyboard. Keiko rolled her eyes.
"Humph. Come over here. I need you to help me with this."
Alfie's brows furrowed as he leaned back.
"I...can help you from here."
Keiko's demeanour sharpened like a razor's edge. Her fist slammed on the desk, sending chilling vibrations through the air that prickled Alfie's skin.
"I said, come over and help me!"
Her grasp on his computer's power cable was as tight as a python constricting its prey, ready to yank it free at any moment. He slumped back in his seat, exhaling loudly before reluctantly rising to his feet and walking around to her side.

A Rift Between Us
General FictionTwo secondary school students, Alfie and Keiko, find themselves entangled in a web of misunderstandings and unspoken feelings. Alfie, a diligent student with dreams of attending Westminster Kingsway College in London, and Keiko, a spirited girl desp...