The Induction

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In this poem
                 I'd like to alter your
consciousness... and help
you to begin
to find
a greater sense of
re-lax-a tion
and you will be able to return
              to this place or state
of mind
              and this poem
whenever you need
to do so.

And each time
you repeat this,
you'll go deeper
and deeper
into relaxation.
breathing in relaxation
and breathing out

Now begin with
a few deep breathes
and as you do,
with your eyes closed,
imagine or pretend that
             you are walking
along a wooded path...

Approaching a safe
and comfortable place –
your place.

You may notice
a clearing
at the top of a mountain
overlooking a town
and you notice
          the sounds here
and the sensation
of the air against
your face.

You can notice
            whatever it is
that is most pleasant
about this experience
and whatever it is
that is most
in creating
a feeling
of relaxation.

And you begin to wonder
and imagine
what other
pleasant things
may await
your discovery. 

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