I find myself back on the catwalk, checking over the fortifications. I can see the yard and most of the field from here. Hershel's down by the fence and Michonne patrols near the overturned bus. Carl and Beth speak to each other in the yard and Carol stands near the gate, arms crossed. Axel sneaks up behind her, doing the old "tap the opposite shoulder and make them look the other way" trick. She bumps her hip to his and he grins.
They talk and I hear them laugh. Again, they bump each other, shoulder to shoulder.
A gunshot rings out and the laughter cuts off as Axel collapses in a spray of blood. A scream rips from me as I hit the deck, heart in my ears. There's a brief second where I don't hear anything and I start to stand, peeking over the wall, but then more shots go off and I'm down on my stomach again.
I clamp my hands over my ears and squeeze my eyes shut. The Governor; it has to be. Who else would have any reason to attack us like this?
The gunfire stops again. I don't move. My breaths heave and all I can hear is blood rushing in my ears. Carol, Beth, and Carl, are they okay? Did they get to cover before—
Maggie's voice, the iron door leading into the cell block rattling as it opens.
The gunshots start up again and I force myself to move. I crawl, belly to the concrete, dragging myself with my elbows and knees until I reach the door back into the cell block. I pop up, throwing it open and racing inside.
Everyone was outside except Judith.
I find her in her crate crib, wailing from the noise, and I scoop her into my arms. I hush her as I go hide in my cell, cooing, calming, rocking. The gunshots haven't started up again, but I hear engines revving and the horrible sound of screeching metal.
"God, please," I pray as Judith whimpers against my collarbone. "God, please, please don't do this. Please help."
It's so stupid, so useless, but it's all I can do to stop myself from breaking down.
The gunfire starts up again. It feels endless, like any respite we get is thrown back tenfold in a hail of bullets. There's the rapid-fire of assault rifles and the single punctuated blasts of pistols and handguns.
Then, suddenly, it's silent again. Judith cries softly and I look down at her, quivering breaths leaving me. I hug her close and force myself to my feet, grabbing Daryl's handgun from where I left it on his pile of abandoned clothes. I won't go outside, not yet, and if someone comes through the door other than my family...
I settle myself on the perch, shaking as I aim the handgun at the cell block door, left open in Maggie's haste to leave, and wait. Judith isn't crying anymore, cooing and kicking her little legs as she stares up at me. I keep waiting.
I hear the door creak open after what feels like forever and my grip tightens on the handgun.
"I'm armed!" I shout, and I hate how my voice cracks. "Don't try anything! I swear to God!"
"Hope, it's us!"
Rick's voice. I relax visibly as he appears at the door. Everyone pours inside and I find myself doing a headcount—Rick, Hershel, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Carol, Carl, Michonne and...
I lower the gun and grip Judith tighter as Daryl comes in, bringing up the group's rear. I blink, hard, shaking my head as I take a step back. No. No, that can't be. He...he left. He left and...
Rick drops his assault rifle and hurries up the stairs to me, hand falling to Judith's tiny head. He looks at me, eyes still a little wild, and for a moment, his hand moves to hover near my face. I blink a few times.

Daryl's Angel (10th Anniversary Edition)
Fanfiction"You know, I think everyone who's ever loved me is dead." "That makes two of us. Fuckin' cheers." When the dead rose, Hope Tremblay found herself trapped, woefully unprepared for the rapidly changing world before her, and worst of all, alone. Day by...