Chapter 36: Little Ass-Kicker

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"Let me see the baby," Hershel says.

Maggie and Carl move closer to Hershel and Daryl cups my face again. I finally look him the eyes and he purses his lips.

"Stay with me, Hope," he says.

"Lori...I...I was too..." I mumble.

"Job ain't done," he insists. I nod weakly and he turns to the others. "What are we gonna feed it? We got anything a baby can eat?" He takes my hand, pulling me along with him as Hershel looks the baby over.

"The good news is she looks healthy," Hershel says.

A little girl, I think, pushing through my mind fog. Lori, you've got a little girl.

"She needs formula," Hershel continues. "And soon, or she won't survive."

"Nope. No way," Daryl says. "Not her. We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run."

"I'll back you up," Maggie says.

"I'll go too," Glenn agrees.

"Okay, think I know where we're going," Daryl says. He's still holding my hand and I'm not quite ready to let go. "Beth," he says, bringing her closer to us. He whispers to her, "Kid just lost his mom. His dad ain't doing so hot."

"I'll look out for him," Beth promises.

"Hope," Daryl says, turning back to me. I blink. "Gotta leave you in charge while I'm gone, alright?"

I nod, slowly. "I...yeah, okay."

Me? Why me? Why not...

Glenn and Maggie are going on the run. Daryl too. Rick's lost to the world. Hershel's barely on his feet. Beth and Carl...too young. T-Dog is dead. Carol is dead.

But me?

His hand falls to the back of my head, pulling me closer and pressing a kiss to my forehead. "You did what you could," he murmurs. "We'll talk later." Again, I nod, and he backs up. "Come on, we're gonna lose the light!" he shouts. "Glenn, Maggie, vámonos!"

"Rick!" Maggie shouts.

I look over just as Rick rushes up the steps into the cell block, axe in hand, but he disappears without a word. Daryl heads to the cars, Maggie and Glenn following, and I stare after him.

"Excuse me, miss?"

Axel and Oscar approach me. When did they get here? Were they here the whole time?

"Any way we can help?" Axel asks.

I look out at the fences, at the pile we still haven't burned. I point. "Those alarms...probably gonna attract a lot of walkers," I say. My voice sounds distant, foreign. "Could..." Alarms still ring in my head. "Could run a perimeter check? Dispatch a few." They nod. I hear the motorcycle engine revving and add, "But...before that, run and open the gate. Daryl will need to get out. Please."

"Sure thing," Axel says.

"We're sorry about your friends," Oscar adds.

They were family, I think, but I just nod at them. I keep picturing Lori's tortured expression, staring up at me, trusting me. I failed her. I failed her and now her children will have to live without their mother.

They head off to the gates. Daryl and Maggie head off and Glenn approaches me. Glenn—oh, thank God. I watch Daryl and Maggie disappear down the road, Glenn gripping my shoulder. I hear him sigh.

"What the hell happened?" he asks, but it's like he's not looking for an answer. I want to know too. Everything was fine.

I bow my head. "I'm sorry. I left Maggie and Carl alone, left them when..." I suck in a breath, chest still far too tight. "I...I don't even know what happened. By the time I got back, was..."

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