The next morning, we make plans to clean up the cell block in an attempt to make it more liveable. Despite the food we got from the prisoners, we're still incredibly low on other basic supplies. We're not camping or on the run anymore—no more thinking about carrying capacity.
"Rick," I say, going up to him while the others make breakfast. "Do you think Daryl and I could do a supply run today?"
Rick raises a brow. "We're cleaning today."
"I know, but...I think we could use it," I say. "We're low on a few essentials."
"Where would you go?"
"I'll talk to Daryl. He knows this area way better than I ever will."
Rick thinks about it for another second, then nods. I grin, thanking him before hurrying off to find Daryl. He's still in his perch, getting ready for the day.
"Daryl," I call.
He looks up at me as I approach. He reaches for me, sweeping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him. "Morning, beautiful."
I give him a quick kiss. "Just got the okay from Rick to go on a run. You know anywhere that might be worth it?"
He lifts a brow. "Just the two of us?"
"It's a quick run. Just to get a few supplies. If there's a pharmacy, that's even better."
He thinks for a second. "Think I saw one of those big discount chain stores on our way up here. Shouldn't be too far. Gonna go soon?"
"As soon as we eat something and I put a list together."
"A'ight. Just say the word."
After breakfast and with a list in hand, Daryl and I head out to the vehicles. They're all still parked together in the front gated area, the overturned bus blocking the way. The green Tuscon is the easiest to back out the front gate. Carl slides it open to let us out onto the road.
"What sorta stuff are we getting?" Daryl asks as we drive.
I look over the list. "Hygiene products, always good to get more food, bedding, and so on and so forth. Anything to make that place feel more like a home."
"You act like we'll be staying there for a while."
"You don't think we will?"
He shrugs. "You're the positive one, remember?"
I sit back and prop one hand under my chin, gazing at him. "I figure, if I can make my cell less like a cage, you'll sleep with me." His eyebrows lift and I clear my throat. "Um, I mean...share my bed, or...yeah, you know what I meant."
"I heard 'sleep with me' and that's about it."
I lightly smack his arm. He smirks a little and I roll my eyes good-naturedly before looking back out the window. I hum to myself to make up for the lack of radio.
It doesn't take long before the trees give way to a more suburban area, and Daryl pulls the car into an abandoned lot in front of the discount store. We climb out, empty backpacks and weapons ready, and look at each other across the hood of the car.
Daryl raises his crossbow, beckons me to him, and we sneak to the front door. He digs his fingers between the front sliding doors and, with a creak, they open. He pulls again, creating just enough space for a person to slip through, and we duck inside.
There's only one walker inside that we can see. He stands behind one of the tills, still wearing his employee uniform, mouth hanging open as he stares at the store. He snarls as he turns to us and Daryl dispatches him with a quick arrow through the brain. I hurry forward to retrieve it.

Daryl's Angel (10th Anniversary Edition)
Fanfiction"You know, I think everyone who's ever loved me is dead." "That makes two of us. Fuckin' cheers." When the dead rose, Hope Tremblay found herself trapped, woefully unprepared for the rapidly changing world before her, and worst of all, alone. Day by...