chapter two

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song: homesick - catfish and the bottlemen


im awoken by the sound of my alarm, i turn the noise off and put my ipod on shuffle and start to sway to the music.

i make my way to the shower and step into the running water and start to wash my hair as i think about todays antics, once ive finished with my shower i jump out and start to dry myself. I quickly rush out of the bathroom realising i spent a little too long in the shower and start to apply my make up, i use a little bit of concealer under my eyes so i dont look like a zombie, i add a little wing to my eyeliner and coat my eyelashes in mascara. i rush to my suitcase and pull out my oversized black t shirt and my black leggings as the dress code for the staff is all black.

i quickly make myself a coffee using the hotels supplies and put it in my travel mug ready for when i leave. i towel dry my hair so the waves are left natural and cascading down my back. my phone starts to ring, its darcy. i run over to my phone and answer it quickly

"hello" i said in a panic down the phone

"addilyn!! where are you? ive been waiting for 10 minutes now hurry or were going to be late"

"yeah i know i jus-" and i was cut off by the bleeping sound signalling that darcy hung up on me.

i quickly grap my cardigan, slip on my vans and grab my bag and coffee and dash out of the room.

i push the door open to exit the hotel and there is darcy stood impatiently outside of her car.

"finally" she breathed as she stepped back into the drivers seat

"sorry i didnt get much sleep last night" i explain

"listen addilyn i know its been tough recently with everyth-"

"i dont want to talk about that right now" i said harshly as i cut her off mid sentence

"okay fair enough, anyway i need you to look in my handbag and there should be a lanyard with a card on it, this is basically your key to anywhere you want to go within the building, someone will as for your name as pass you a clipboard..." darcy droned on and on.

i had stopped listening and got lost in my thoughts until i was brought back to reality

"addilyn!!!" darcy exclaimed

"what?" i rudely replied

"were you listening to me?"

"yes, yeah i put on this lanyard, someone gives me a clipboard, i tick names off i get it"

"ah good you were listening, we will be there in a minute so ill meet up with you for dinner later on as i have so much stuff to do"


we pulled up to the venue and walked into the back entrance where two security guards stood, i showed them the card on my lanyard and walked in as darcy followed me

"okay so remember what i told you ill meet you later for lunch, dont get into too much trouble" darcy winked and walked into another door.

i walk through the concrete walls and look at the music posters plastered over them, 'this place is so boring' i think, any nineteen year old girl wouldnt particularly like to spend most of their day wandering around concrete walls so i decide to find a quiet spot to listen to my music.

its going to be a long day.

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