[ Prologue ]

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Oblivious to the pitter-pattering of tiny feet, Emily Jacobs shifted comfortably underneath a fleece blanket, soft snores pouring from her lips. Sleeping in was a rarity, and the bassist should have known her peaceful slumber wouldn't have lasted much longer, but sleep seemed to be something she cherished more than anything. Unfortunately for her, the alarm clock that constantly blared on most mornings wouldn't prepare her for what her petite bandmate had in store. Carefully slipping through the opening in the door, Haley Valentina crept over to her unsuspecting friend's bedside, and the currently silver haired teenager had a difficult time stifling her snickers. As the amused noises that escaped her lips reached Emily's ears, they were in one ear and out the other, and the older's only reaction was turning on her side, back facing Haley. Deeming that the time was right, the guitarist flung herself into the redhead's bed, and once she shakily rose to her feet on the mattress, she began to hop around the drowsy girl's frame.

"WAKE UP, SLEEPYHEAD! RISE AND SHINE!" the silver haired girl screeched, cognizant of where she landed on the bed as to avoid stepping on her friend.

Not even bothering to sit up, Emily groaned in annoyance, placing a pillow over her head in hopes of blocking out the other. Unfortunately, her friend seemed to have no plans on quieting down, and the more Haley yelled, the more irritated the bassist became.


With widening emerald hues, the smaller of the two scampered off of the bed, positioning herself a couple feet away in order to avoid a possible backlash from the sleepy Brit.

"GoGo told me to wake you up! This wasn't my idea, it was hers!" Haley squeaked, pinning the blame on their drummer, Margot Emerson.

"/That's it/?" the Brit hissed, bringing a hand up to carefully massage her temples, "That's your reason?"

"Mhm! She said we had that meeting with management today about who we're going to be touring with in a couple of weeks!"

"Wait...that's today? I thought it was next week!"

"It used to be next week, but then they rescheduled. Remember?"

Pausing, the redhead pondered the event, and as soon as she realized that Haley was being honest, her eyes softened. Having a very important tour meeting was definitely a valid reason to wake her up, and, honestly, Emily couldn't believe she actually forgot.

"Fine, fine, I'm getting up," she huffed, waving her hand at the younger dismissively, "I can't believe I actually have to wake up early and put pants on for this. Oh, and there better be bacon or else you girls /won't/ be dealing with a happy Em this morning."

"Right, right..." Haley nodded cautiously, backing up slowly before sprinting down the hallway, "MARGOT, GOD DAMMIT MAKE BACON."


Grumbling softly, all four girls gathered outside, waiting for their manager to pick them up and take them to one of their most important meetings in a while. Though, as Emily, Margot, and Hanna silently nibbled on pieces of overcooked bacon, Haley energetically paced back and forth, hands moving just as fast as her voice.

"Guys, guys, guys, who do you think we're going to be touring with? If we're traveling across Europe and North America with them, they have to be more well known than a vast majority of music groups," Haley surmised, stuffing the rest of her bacon into her mouth mid-sentence.

"I dunno, Hales," Margot began, eying the animated guitarist curiously, "Do you know any bands that announced that they were touring Europe soon? Because the tour starts there."

"I heard One Direction was going to be touring Europe..." Hanna mumbled softly, brushing a stray curl behind her ear with her free hand.

"What was that, Hanna? I couldn't quite hear you," Margot queried, nudging the soft-spoken brunette lightly with her elbow.

"I said," the youngest of the group cleared her throat, "that One Direction announced that they were touring Europe soon for their world tour."

"You don't think..?" Haley began, hues glimmering with hopefulness.

"I hope /not/," Emily interrupted, shaking her head, "First of all, I'm not a fan of theirs, no offense, Hales. Second, they could totally ruin our image! They're bubblegum pop, a total boy band, and we are most certainly /not/ bubblegum pop."

"As much as I hate to say it, Em's got a point. I mean, I don't think they'd ruin our image /that/ much. Actually, they could actually give our career the kick start we have really been looking for. So, I take that back, Em, you're irrelev-"

"Shut the fuck up, Emerson," Em grumbled, taking another bite of her bacon strip.

"Someone's grumpy this morning," Haley commented, a smirk gracing her lips.

"It's too early for all of this," Hanna piped up, eyelids drooping as she struggled to stay awake at such an early hour, "Em, the meeting probably won't take us that long. You can go back to bed after we get back."

"Han's right," the drummer sighed, combing her slender digits through her dark tresses, "We don't have anything planned for the rest of the day, so you can catch up on your sleep once we get back."

"Thank fucking God for that. We have been getting busier and busier lately, it seems," the Brit responded, burying her face in her hands once she finished off her piece of bacon.

"Hey, we might be getting busier, but that's a good sign. We're making it, you guys, just let that sink in," the silver haired girl chirped, attempting to brighten the mood a little as a car neared the house the for girls had been staying at.

"No, no, I realize that we're getting there, I just want to sleep in more often."

After a few moments of silence, the bandmates burst into fits of laughter. Despite the jabbing of one another and the irksome banter, the four girls were inseparable, and, to them, their more annoying traits were fairly endearing.

"Girls, it's time to go," a woman's voice sliced through their laughter, causing all four of the girls to tense up a little bit.

Blinking, Haley was the first person to speak up, and she did so as she booked it towards their manager's car, "...I call shotgun!"

[A/N]: Hey, guys! I'm sorry this is kinda short, I assure you that the other chapters will be much longer! I hope you like it! -Queen Meatball

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