[ Fun and Games ]

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"I swear to God, she said she'd be out in a second," Margot grumbled to herself, standing slightly so that she could reach into her pocket and produce her phone, "One day, I'm just gonna leave without her."

"I'm coming, Mar!" came Haley's drowsy voice as she practically tripped and fell down her front porch steps, "It's too early for human interaction."

"I don't want to interact with people in our school either, but if you keep complaining you're going to make both of us late."

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," the silver haired teen pointed out as she adjusted the strap of the helmet Margot had gotten her.

"Yeah, well, rush hour's a thing, and I hate being stuck in it. Now, c'mon, don't touch the pipes."

"I know the drill, shut up."

Making sure her helmet and backpack were secure, Haley propelled herself onto the backseat of Margot's motorcycle. It wasn't the newest, nor was it the fanciest, but, to the drummer, it symbolized years of hard work. Well, if spending a little over two years working at a local skating rink counted as hard work.

"You ready, kid?" Margot asked, shifting slightly as Haley's arms wrapped around her waist.

"You bet."


"Hey, hey, Em!" Hanna greeted brightly, her eyes fixed to her phone screen.

"Hanna! Long time, no see," the Brit mused, "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"I am in school, I just don't have class first period, and I had some things to check over. Aren't you supposed to be in class, too?"

"Teacher's out for the day, the substitute never gave us any work."

"Oh, cool. I love when that happens, but, with the teachers I have, they'd rather die than not give us work during their absences."

"That's actually disgusting," Emily commented, mock-gagging for emphasis, "So, what were you looking over?"

"It wasn't actually for school, it was about tour..."

"You didn't look up them, did you?"

"Oh? The boys?" Hanna scoffed, placing a hand over her heart before pausing, "I-I mean...yeah, I did."

"You should've waited until we all got back together! You know group stalking is the best stalking!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't even find much out, I just looked at pictures, I swear!"

"Just pictures?" the redhead arched her brows at the Finnish-American.

"Yes! I promise, and you know I wouldn't lie! You know I'm a terrible liar."

Momentarily taking her lower lip between her teeth, a light blush surfaced on the bassist's cheeks, "...Send me them."

"Okay, I'll send them later on."

"Good. Now, my class is about to end soon, so I better get going. We'll talk later, yeah?"

"Of course! Depending on how much schoolwork Haley and Margot have, we might be able to have a group Oovoo later."

"I dunno about tonight though, man. I'm already really tired, I might not make it for a group Oovoo."

"Well, if you can stay up, then not only will it be a chill group Oovoo, but it'll be the beginning of the stalking process."

"There's a process?"

"Not necessarily, but it's usually easiest to start with social media..."

"Oh, that's true."

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