Chapter 32 - Homeward

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"So, let me get this straight here..."

Shani broke the gentle sound of the midday breeze ruffling the branches of the baobab tree. She gestured to the Dark Brush, nestled safely on a pile of leaves as if to protect the precious item from the dirt. "This little piece of wood is the Dark Brush. You need to find the Light Brush, and connect the two. Once you do, what happens then?"

Layali frowned, still a bit unsure herself. She had already made the decision to trust Dark's plan (because really, how could she not), so there was no going back from that, despite her uncertainty of the outcome. She glanced around at the group settled in a circle around the extinguished campfire. "I...think that's when Dark and Light will be able to face each other."

Shani furrowed her brows. "And what then?"

"Then...the two of them can finally make peace. Their spirits are bound to these brushes; as long as they exist, the gods can enter the physical realm--so long as they stay within the vicinity of their vessel."

Jabari wrinkled his nose, leaning close to the Dark Brush. "You in there, Dark Dog?" He placed one of his shredded ears next to the bark. "It's me, Jabari. Can ya hear me through all this wood?"

Layali's fur prickled. "Stop! This is serious!"

"Listen," Zain said from where he sat close beside his mother.

Jabari blinked, clearly not expecting to be reprimanded by Zain of all dogs. He patted the Dark Brush gently for good measure and returned to his place next to his mate.

Layali found it rather difficult to explain things further. "In the spirit realm, the gods are able to wander with ease. That's how I was able to see the pair of them in dreams. When these Brushes are linked, it may be dangerous. We don't know how hostile Light may be, or how many shadows have been crafted of"

"Why are you doing this?" Shani asked suddenly. "Why you?"

Layali hesitated for a moment. "My pack, the Pack of Bright Meadows, is in danger. Light's army already exists in the spirit realm, and they have been trying to gather recruits of their own in the physical realm. My mother being one of them. My family being involved means that I am involved. Someone has to put a stop to this, and it ought to be me." She purposefully omitted the little detail of herself bearing the Dreamwalker curse to those unaware. She turned to Zain, the only one who understood her true involvement. "It ought to be us. And with this Brush, we're already halfway there."

After quite a moment of contemplation, Shani and Jabari nodded their acceptance. "Let us help, then," Shani offered. "Hell, why not?"

"Me as well," added Ode, who had remained quiet for the entirety of their meeting, settled down so as not to disturb the bindings on her foreleg. " best I can."

Layali gave her new supporters a grateful nod. "Thank you all...truly."

Kioni, who Layali suspected had the thinnest grasp of what was going on, rubbed her head against Layali. She ruffled the cheetah's thick mane affectionately, still unsure of what she was to do with the little cub. Perhaps Kioni would be safe with Shani and Jabari, if they were willing to watch her while she returned to her home...assuming she would be welcomed back at all, anyway.

"Oh no you don't!" lectured Jabari hastily to his mate. "No helping or any other strenuous activity until your pups-"

"-until my pups are born," Shani finished for him. "Listen, Jabari. You're a male. You don't have any right to tell me what my body is capable of. If my work or my traveling or anything is too hard for me, I will tell you."

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