Crush Chop and Burn Pt 2

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A/N: Since I didn't do this on my previous chapter. Hope you like the story and let me know what you think.

Chapter 2

I hitch a ride home with some cheerleaders and football players. I'm quiet on the ride over but no one notices since they're all too interested in themselves. How their day went. What guy they met that day. Usually I'll chime in with a "that's cool" or "sounds fun" but today I just can't find it in myself to care. I'm too preoccupied with what I saw today.

Adam looks built but he threw Leo as easily as if he was tossing a football. Then his eyes were brown one second then red the next. Colored contacts are the only sane explanation I can think of but I feel like there's more to it.

Then there's Bree and how fast she ran to save me. She was across the gym. How could she have moved that quickly?

There's nothing weird about Chase as far as I can tell. Leo is the same Leo too. My head starts to hurt so I try to stop thinking about it. Besides this is my stop.

I wave goodbye to everyone and say thanks for the ride. Max throws a quick we'll pick you up for the party.

I say thanks once more out of politeness and hurry inside. My mother is sitting on the couch and is on her tablet. I know she's probably on her website. She sells clothes at this boutique in town.

"Hey honey how was the pep rally?" She asks in a sweet voice.

Great! I made a new best friend who's not a cheerleader, there's something strange about her and her brother Adam, and I think I'm developing a crush on the youngest sibling Chase. I think.

"It went well." I actually say, "The fire drill went off halfway through, so..."

"That's too bad. Are you still going to that party tonight?" She asks not evening looking up from her tablet.

"Yeah. The location changed but I got a ride to it and from it."

"Great. Go get ready."

I nod and go take a shower. The worst thing about cheerleading is the amount of sweat that comes from it.

I quickly wash my hair and dry it. I prefer it natural. Not because it makes me superior to others who use product but because I like it that way. Plus I'm really lazy.

In my robe, I try to decide what to wear. I find myself wondering what Chase will think of each outfit. I shake my head to stop the thoughts and grab a nice dress from my closet. I put it on along with flats. I would do heels but after all the flips and kicks I did, my feet already hurt.

By the time I finish applying some lip gloss I hear my phone ring. It's a text telling me my ride is here.

I quickly head outside with a quick wave to my parents before hopping in. This time I actually partake in the conversation excited to see Adam, Bree, Leo, and Chase.

We get there rather fast and go inside.

Their house is huge!

I think I'll need a map to find the bathroom. Max takes my hand in his and begins dragging me to his friends who are sitting in a circle talking about who knows what with pretty girls sitting on their laps.

I know why we're together. Status. I use him to get on my parents good side and he uses me to boost his popularity. Dating a cheerleader is the fastest and easiest way to the top of a high school food chain.

I look around trying to spot Adam, Bree, Leo, or Chase. No such luck. After about fifteen minutes I decide to get up and grab some punch. They don't even know I leave.

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