Concert in a Can

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A/N: Sorry about before I misnamed the previous chapter bc I was writing them at the same time. Anyway enjoy.

Chapter 15

Just once, I'd like a normal week with the Davenports. Just last week Perry almost caught them using their bionics on video footage stored on a portable hard drive. Therefore, Leo had to go in and steal it with an invisibility cloak but failed. Luckily Adam was able to break it keeping their secret safe another day.

This week is starting off to be normal enough. Adam, Chase, and I are all hanging in the main hallway with the new kid Marcus. He seems nice and he's wickedly talented on the guitar. At our pleading, he plays a complicated original piece.

"Oh, sweet," compliments Adam, "Look at your finger go! It's like they have little brain of its own."

"Thanks. You know, you guys are the only people who have talked to me at this school. I hate being the new kid," Marcus laments.

"Yeah, we used to be the new kids no one talked to. Now we're the vaguely familiar kids no one talks to," Chase says.

I clear my throat. "Hello? Girlfriend standing right here?" Chase comes up to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Hey, peeps," Leo says walking over to us, "What's the dealio?"

"No, Leo, just no," I beg. I hope he never says dealio again.

"Hi, I'm Marcus," he introduces himself.

"I know, we have gym together," Leo says returning Marcus's fist bump. "And study hall. And also chemistry. We're lab partners."

"Oh, I did not know that," Marcus says leading to an awkward pause. "Chase, you ever play guitar?"

"No, but I've always wanted to," Chase confesses. I don't blame him. Musicians are a huge hit with girls. Especially guitar players. I wouldn't be opposed if Chase took up the instrument.

"Well I'm a jammer as well," Leo chimes in, "My rocking is only eclipsed by my rolling."

"Just stop," I beg once again. He's just embarrassing himself.

"Leo, your mom said you played the clarinet for three weeks until you swallowed the reed," explains Chase.

"I passed it," claims Leo. I shudder at the thought.

"Here, Chase, you wanna give it a go?" asks Marcus getting back on topic.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Chase says before taking the guitar. I see him look out and look back at the guitar and I know he's using his bionics to learn how to play. What I did not expect is the expert chords to erupt from the instrument because of his fingers dancing along its neck. My jaw drops in awe.

Chase realizing his mistake says, "What do you know? Beginners luck."

The rest of the day passes in boredom. To pass the time in class I fantasize what my life will be like once I come clean in order to become the person I'm meant to be. 

I don't meet up with Marcus and the others until lunch when I decide to sit with Chase against the cheerleaders requests.

I ask him about himself, how he came to Mission Creek.

"So me and my dad moved around a lot I was homeschooled for most of my life," he replies.

"No way, so were we! We're so similar. Do you have a third nipple too?" Adam blurts out. I look at Chase with confusion when I see him self consciously touching his chest. Does he have a third nipple? If so, why do I want to see it so badly?

A Lab Rat and A Cheerleader: An Epic Bionic Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now