Drone Alone

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A/N: I had more fun writing this than I thought. I put a link to the song La Vie En Rose above if you don't know it. I'll put the Louis Armstrong's version above.

Chapter 11

The day of sleepover finally arrived. Luckily Tasha and Mr. Davenport are heading to Australia for some alone time. Since they trust me, I'm still allowed to stay over.

I'm really excited and nervous about this. There's the part I get to hang out with my closest friends. But I'm secretly dating one. We hope to manage some alone time.

I'm sitting beside Bree trying to decide what movies to watch tonight when Tasha come squealing down the stairs saying, "I'm so excited! I've never been to Australia before."

Eddie appears with an insult, "Maybe you'll like it so much you won't want to come back."

Tasha chooses to ignore him, "Donald, honey, do you have the plane tickets?"

With his usual air of superiority, Mr. Davenport says, "Honey, we're taking my fully automated private jet. Plane tickets! Why don't we just slap on some stamps and Mail ourselves there?"

"Private jet, that could work." Tasha says before whispering to Leo, "Score!"

"Okay, Leo, this is your chance to prove you're responsible enough to stay home without us."

"Me? What about them?" Leo says and somehow I know he doesn't mean me.

"They were designed to go on missions and save the world. You were designed to break stuff."

I stifle a giggle at Davenport's words before Leo gives me a look and I busy myself with Bree.

"Don't worry. I know the rules. No touchy touchy your stuffy stuffy."

"Leo, I'm serious. There's millions of dollars of technology around here. No goof ups. No explosions. No fires. You know what? That's it I'm not going. I'm not going."

Tasha who really wants to go to Australia for obvious reasons coaxes him into going again, "Donald, Leo will be responsible. He is a big boy. Sweetie, I left your flame retardant undies on top of the dresser."

I stifle another giggle.

Bree who wants the sleepover to officially start already stands up for Leo, "Mr. Davenport, Leo will be fine. I mean, what's the worst that could happen."

Chase, my party pooper secret boyfriend doesn't understand rhetoric, "Funny you should ask. I made an actuary chart of every possible catastrophe. You have an 82% chance of coming back to a perfectly normal house. Happy travels." Gee thanks.

Tasha begins coaxing again, "Don't worry, Eddie is here to monitor every room in the house. He is like a personal baby sitter."

Eddie says, "Yeah, and I virtually care about your kids."

"Big D, I got this. No explosions. No goof ups. No fires. No floods." Leo says shoving them out the door.

"Wait, I didn't think about floods." Davenport says as we all begin shoving them out the door.

The second the door closes Adam yells, "Whoo-hoo! Party in the lab!"

"Did you not hear what Davenport just said? We're supposed to be responsible." says Leo being responsible. That's not gonna happen again soon.

"Oh right! I'll be responsible for snacks. Leo, you're responsible for blowing up that raft. Whoo-hoo! Party in the lab!" shouts Adam running to the lab. Bree and Chase follows pulling me along. But not before I hear Leo once more.

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