Mission: Space

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A/N: this many be the last episode of the season but this isn't how I want the book to end so keep your eyes open for an original chapter coming soon.

Chapter 16

I walk out of my Chemistry classroom after a brutal test. My head is still raised high for I know I aced it. I see Adam and Leo walk out of their history class so I wave and walk over to greet them between classes.

We stroll to the stairs making idle chitchat to head to the first floor. There we run into Bree and Chase. Chase and I link hands instinctively.

"Oh, I love history class," Adam says starting a new conversation. "Someone is always leaving me a little piece of gum stuck under my desk."

"Adam, tell me you didn't," Chase begs hoping what we are all hoping isn't true.

To answer, he blew a bubble.

"He did. He totally did," Bree says disgusted.

"Oh, guys. Don't look now but here comes that guy none of us like. Marcus," Leo says spotting Marcus. I didn't notice him until right now.

"M-Dog!" we all greet. I do feel a trifle silly saying that nickname but isn't that point of friends? Someone to be silly with?

"Hold the phone," Leo says pushing us and Marcus away from each other, "Hold the phone. Hold the freaky deaky phone. M-Dog?"

"Yeah, bros call each other by nicknames," Chase explains.

"Well, I'm your actual bro and you never call me by a nickname," complains Leo.

"Actually we do. We just choose not to do it in your presence. Mr. Tiny McLittlestein," Adam reveals. I don't laugh for I'm not even an inch taller than Leo. Maybe half an inch or a mere centimeter.

"Hey, Marcus. What're you up to this weekend?" Chase asks making conversation.

"My dad's out of town this weekend so I'll be stuck home alone with my grandma," laments Marcus.

"Aha!" exclaims Leo, "You said your grandma was dead."

"The other grandma!" Marcus clarifies, "But thanks for reminding me."

"Leo!" I scold as Bree hits him.

"I wish I could stay with you guys this weekend," Marcus cries. I don't blame him. The Davenports are not only good company but have a fun house. All the shenanigans one can think of go on there.

"And I wish you weren't a spastic sociopath with abandonment issues," Leo quips bluntly.

"Leo, give it a rest," Chase says.

"Chase, none of us are safe until the FBI responds to my request for a background check on this M-Dog." God I hope he isn't serious.

"Look, Marcus, I'm sure you can stay with us. I'll just check with Mr. Davenport," Chase says not realizing his mistake.

"You call your dad Mr. Davenport?" questions Marcus.

"Uh, no. Pssh, no but you do. And I just wanted to make sure you knew who I was talking about," Chase babbles trying to save himself.

"Okay, cool. Thanks, guys."

I guess it worked.

Bree takes my arm to lead us to our next class which we share as we walk between two jocks throwing a football. I hear them snicker and suddenly worry they're going to throw it at me. After all my status is dropping since I've decided to truly become Vi.

"Bree, Vi, watch out!" Chase says so I turn and duck but the ball unnaturally goes flying in the opposite direction. 

"What just happened?" asks Bree as I am too shell shocked by what I just saw to speak.

A Lab Rat and A Cheerleader: An Epic Bionic Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now