Bionic Birthday Fail

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A/N: so I decided to skip exoskeleton vs grandma because it would basically just reiterate the episode with nothing extra. I might do this again later but hopefully not. I hope to replace it with something original along the way. The song I used is Jar of Hearts by Christina Perry. I will put a link to watch it above. Enjoy!

Chapter 7

So here's what usually happens when I'm at the Davenport's residence. I hang with Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo before they start they're training. Then I stay and watch them train since it's actually really cool. Then we hang again. Today they're working in a simulator and they are killing it. I never knew Chase could kick butt even when he isn't Spike. You don't expect it. Then again I am a black belt in karate, marital arts, and ju jitsu. My parents wanted to make sure I could protect myself in any circumstance. I kind of miss it, they made me quit and join gymnastics instead. You know, to better prepare me for being a cheerleader. 

I cringe as Adam launches a man across the simulated landscape. If he were real, that would've seriously hurt.

"Adam, that was the rebel leader. The whole purpose of the mission was to interrogate him." Davenport criticizes.

"I did. His answer was "Ahh"." Adam explains.

"Hey, next time, could you maybe thrown in a cute, blue eyed rebel?" Bree asks as Davenport gives her a strange look. "Hey, I'm just saying it wouldn't kill you to add a little something something for the ladies." She gestures to her and I. Although I am content watching Chase in a skintight mission suit kick butt.

It's official. I have a major school girl crush on Chase.

Leo then grabs a pair of 3D glasses, "Step aside, amateurs. Go ahead, Big D, set it to awesome." says Leo.

"Leo, these are not a toy." says Davenport.

"Come on! My birthday's coming up. Globally known as Dia de Leo." I pretty sure he made that up.

"No! I designed the mission simulator to fine tune they're bionics not for 3D joyrides."

"Why can't it do both?" I ask and Leo agrees. This makes Mr. Davenport speechless.

"Well, how about, as a birthday gift, you give me a bionic ability?" Leo suggests.

"Or I could gift wrap reality and you could play with that for awhile." Don't blame Davenport with that one.

"So, Leo's having a birthday. What're you like nine?" Chase asks. I hit him in the chest, not hard, to indicate he's treading on unsafe territory. Leo has always been defensive about his height and weight. That is, if that person wasn't twice his size. Sometimes literally. 

"I'm fourteen."

"No, seriously." I hit him again. This time harder. That shuts him up.

"So, how're you gonna celebrate?" Bree asks obviously excited. I don't blame her. Tasha manages to invite the whole school and since us so-called "popular" kids want free food, I've gone to a few shindigs. They were pretty neat.

"We're all gonna celebrate. Every year my mom throws me a big surprise party." Leo answers.

"Really?" asks Bree.

"Last year, she baked a cake the size of me." It's true."I don't wanna brag but I was delicious."

"He's not lying. He was also five different flavors." I say tacking on some more details.

"You went to one?" asks Chase surprised.

"Free food? Of course I and a few others went. They were actually fun."

A Lab Rat and A Cheerleader: An Epic Bionic Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now