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The doors open. I sit straight on bed. Somebody came and sighs deeply. Billie. Of course.

She look at me with shoock in her eyes. I do the same

"You could at least close the door" she roll her eyes. I though that she's going to walk away but she closes the door and sit on the floor

"what... are you doing?" i ask, confused

"Every single one is ocupied" she explains and turn on her phone

"this one is too" i say, being annoyed.

"you are not haveing sex with anyone in here. That means i can some in"

"you are litterly so annoying. I wanted some privacy" I stand up and walk to door

"were you going?" she asks. i could hear little offence in her voice

"i dont know."

Find Troy

I open the door and wanna go out but than Billie speak up

"So if you dont know you can stay here"

I am confused even more

"why you really want me to stay with you?"

She roll her eyes with annoyence, clearly not wanting to anwser the question. I don't wait for her to speak up anymore and just go out. I don't even have time to close the door cause Troy comes up to me and kiss me on my lips.

I don't know why but i feel weird cause Billie still looks at me.

" were?" i ask ashamed

"I nobody informated me about the party" He says and laugh "Than i saw the message on our groupchat and Cloe sended me location. So here I am baby" He smiles to me

I smile back

Why he is here?

"Can you... go for something to drink?" I ask and than look at Billie who doesn't look very happy about... acutally about what?

"Of course Med, I'll be right back" He says and go away

I go back to the room where Billie's eyes are starying at her phone. I know she just pretends that she wasn't looking at me and Troy intire time

"So... you got a boyfriend" She says like it wasn't obvious

"What was that about?" I laugh "Yes i do. And i don't have to tell you about my whole life. We are not even friends"

"Of course we are not. I was just wondreing how this is even possible that somebody would like you" she glances up and down at me with appraising eyes

I roll my eyes pretending that this didn't hurt me "Come on, Troy is litterly the most attractive boy in school. If he doesn't have a good taste, who has? Of course you don't. He would never even look at you, jealous bitch" i laugh

"He is not attractive in my opinion" she says

"Every girl says that" i snort

"What you know about life, Madeline" She rolls her eyes again

"What you mean.."

"There you are..." Troy speak up and than look at Billie "you guys.. are talking?" He was so shocked

"Not anymore." I say, give him a big smile and than give him really passionate kiss.

I've never done that before, but for some reasons i felt like i have to do this right now, in front of Billie.

BILLIE EILISH- My enemy..Where stories live. Discover now