The Massacre

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It was a warm summer day in late July. It was beautiful in the small town of castleworth, Washington. It had been a long several weeks after the spell that helped move the Mikaelson babies to a new mom. Things quieted down for the most part and things seemed to be back to normal.

Julianna was recovered from the spell and was helping her pack with whatever they needed, summer was apon them, but they needed to get ready for fall as it was just around the corner.

Soon after the spell Klaus went to Washington to visit his future daughters. He soon found out what had happened from his spy he left there and was beyond mad. He hadn't told his family as he knew that the girls were still alive somewhere. He knew what his sister would say to him losing his family. Nik knew that Elijah felt the girls would bring out his humanity and change him.

He didn't know what he was going to do, but he knew they would pay for getting rid of his kids. He stood outside the house of the alpha wanting her dead. Nothing would make him feel better or make things right. He looked at the house with a witch friend. Klaus got elih the witch to start a fire in the house before walking away. He walked over to the mothers house to get what he wanted.

What Elih didn't know, was the fire wouldn't be the worst thing to happen that day. Elih didn't know the extent of the Hybrids anger or his hatred. All that was clear, nothing would be the same again. The town would be gone and deserted and it's history basically erased.

Klaus then went on to kill Juliannas family after getting them to tell him what they knew. But they lied to Klaus about the information besides who helped with the spell and who helped with the plan. He then killed the witches who helped with the spell. He was desperate to find out anything and everything he could.

There was no stopping him as he went from person to person getting as much information he could before killing them. Klaus wouldn't let anyone hurt his family and live. The Mikaelson was all about the "Forever and Always".

It took two days of him getting all the information he could and killing everyone around him in the stupid town. Elih then started a fire that would burn the town to ashes, elih couldn't stand to let a reminder of the towns betrail stand. He was on Klaus side of this as he was going to be the godfather of the girls.

Klaus was going to name the girls Allison and Samantha. He had everything planed out for them. There was going be a celebration for the girls, sadly it would never happen. He knew he would eventually get his kids back, and there was nothing the witches or wolves could do to stop him as they were all dead.

Klaus didn't regret a single thing that he did, he had been wronged and betrayed and stabbed in the back by people he I trusted with the future of the Mikaelson bloodline and future.

He then started to go back to where he had spent his last few years. He would give a reword for any and all information on the missing Mikaelson twins. The reword would be $1,000, 000 for the location.

He started to get all sorts of spies and allies looking all over the globe for the Mikaelsons. It would be impossible to find them for almost 6 months as they haven't been born yet.

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