The Key Holder Of Lost Memories

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"Mommy, tell me a story," said a 4 year old girl telling her mother
"Okay baby girl," said her mother tucking her in her bed
"Well this story is called The Key Holder Of Lost Memory, 400 years ago their was a beautiful girl with golden blonde locks of hair and brown eyes, and she had lots of powers her name was Lucky Lucy Heartfilia she was the proud daughter of the Heartfillia family who where founders of Magnolia, Fiore with the Vermillion's. The Vermillion's had two children Zeref and Mavis twins actually, Zeref had black hair, and black eyes and dark magic, while his sister Mavis had light magic and had pale blonde hair and green eyes. When they where 18 Lucy and Zeref got engaged and married 1 year later Mavis founded FairyTail the first members where Lucy and Zeref Vermillion. 10 years past and FairyTail grew big and famous and so did magnolia. Lucy was pregnant and gave birth to two kids Pire and Paine which mean snow and celestial. Pire had white hair with red eyes and had snow maker magic and dark magic like her father, while Paine had rainbow hair with blue eyes and was a celestial wolf slayer and rainbow maker magic. 30 years pass Zeref, Lucy and their daughters never grew old which was odd Lucy and Zeref looked just like when they where 28 and their daughters looked like when they where 15 Mavis died 50 years later when she was 98 and just like them she never aged. 102 years pass they where in hiding Zeref couldn't hold his powers any more and became the dark king which makes his wife the dark queen and their daughter's the dark princess's. One day Zeref became evil and hurt his family and other people. Zeref made lots of demons and killed thousands of people. Lucy was heart broken and put a spell on her husband so he would sleep for a long time and put him in tenrou island where his sister was buried at and then she became the Key Holder of lost memories. She helped the people to rebuild their land and bring happiness so she erased their memories and wrote a book about Zeref. And no one has herd of her and her daughters since.
"Mommy is the story true," asked the little girl
"No sweetheart it just a old legend," responded the mother kissing her daughters forehead "goodnight Ix Chel (goddess of the moon)"
"goodnight mommy," said the little girl closing her eyes

Across town a certain blonde walked to her house with her two daughters Pire and Paine........

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