July 8th, 2017 My Birthday Special 16 yrs. old

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Gray : Slytherin
Lucy : Hufflepuff
Erza : Ravenclaw
Natsu : Gryffindor

"SOL" I heard my nickname being called me as I try to reach the Ravenclaw common room. I turn around to find Draco walking over to me.
"Here" he said handing me a bag
"Aw Draco thank you" I said kissing his cheek
"No prob" he said blushing as he walked away
"What was that about" said a voice I turned around
"Oi Natsu why aren't you with Lucy, Gray, Erza or the golden trio?" I asked him as he starred at the bag
"They are doing something important so I came to you Happy Birthday Marisol your finally 16 yrs old" he said hugging me
"Thanks Natsu" I said
"Hey SOL can you take care of Happy, Lily and Carla for Gajeel, Wendy, and me" he said as he trailed off
Great it's my birthday and I have to watch over the cats. Just great. I thought to myself as I entered the Ravenclaw common room.
"Hello Marisol" said Luna
"Hi Luna" I said putting the cats down
"Happy Birthday SOL" she said handing me a box of caramel popcorn
"Thanks Luna" I said hugging her
"No problem SOL anyway I'll have to go do something I'll see yah later" she said walking out of the common room
"Come Happy, Carla and lily lets go to my dorm room" I said
"Meow" meowed Happy as they all followed me

~Le time skip thanks to Draco's smirk

I opened the gift from Draco and it was a beautiful batsman necklace that I put on. And since it's Saturday I put on a batman themed outfit.

 And since it's Saturday I put on a batman themed outfit

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"Meow" Lily said nodding at my choiceSuddenly I heard a knock at the door"Coming" I yelled opening the room door"Marisol" yelled Hermione hugging me"Happy Birthday""Thanks Mione" I said"Cute outfit too Draco is so gonna love it" she said winking a...

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"Meow" Lily said nodding at my choice
Suddenly I heard a knock at the door
"Coming" I yelled opening the room door
"Marisol" yelled Hermione hugging me
"Happy Birthday"
"Thanks Mione" I said
"Cute outfit too Draco is so gonna love it" she said winking at me as I blushed
"Shush Mione" I said
"Anyway SOL we have something for you in the Gryffindor common room so let's go"she said grabbing my arm and pulling me

I swear I'm going to have a bruise on it later as she pulled me along to the common room that's 1 floor lower than the Ravenclaw common room
"Come kittens" I said as the 3 cats followed

~Le mini time skip thanks to the Weasley twins, Gray and Natsu

"SURPRISE" people from all houses and professors yelled as we walked in as they gave me hugs. Even Draco was there same with the Golden Trio, Natsu who is in Gryffindor, Lucy in Hufflepuff, Erza in Ravenclaw and Gray who was in Slytherin.
I had a fun day at my party
"Thanks Guys Love y'all" I yelled
Thanks guys for reading my story I hope y'all enjoy reading my special for today till next time my fellow 🍪🍪COOKIES. 🍪🍪

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