Were coming to save you lucy

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Natsu POV:
Lucy she is like my older sister, she has always been their for all of us, she is our nakama. And we will save her.
"We're coming Lucy!" I said with everyone following me it's time to fight.
On the ship.....
"Wendy use your powers to make the ship go faster,"I yelled at her
"Yes, WIND DRAGONS ROAR!!!!"said Wendy and we were on are way
"Don't worry Lucy," I whispered

Lucy POV:
I herd voices I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, 'I call upon thee the power of heavens let me be set free out of this time bubble I plea set me free' I said in my head and I know I made a blinding light the my husband will be unconscious because of it and the time bubble burst.

I got up from being in the floor seeing my husband no where to be found.
"ZEREF!!!!!!" I yelled "come out come out where ever your are."

Sorry for the short chapter the next one will be the battle. It'll be called
The Battle with Zeref.
>^•^< see you next time

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