Lucy & The Dragons

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Hey sorry for the wait and I'm sorry I didn't realize it until now that I have been writing this book since 2015 so I'm sorry for not realizing I have so many that's been with me since that year and I'm sorry so I'm planing on writing 7 more chapters for this book till it's over so soon as this is over I will start a Character X Reader story after this book. So thanks to all of y'all and I hope y'all stick around.
No One POV:
    As Lucy went through the portal she bumped into a dragon.
"Watch it!!!" growled a red fiery dragon
"Igneel is that you" Lucy asked as she looked at Igneel with worship in her eyes
"Oh Lucy it's you" replied Igneel looking at Lucy
"Sorry to intrude Igneel but I've come to retrieve a lacrima that is in one of the Dragon eggs" Lucy said starring at Igneel with pleading eyes
"In that case why do you need the dragon egg" Igneel questioned Lucy
"The guild is under a spell from my husband Zeref and I need the lacrima to save them" Lucy explained to Igneel
"Well I'm sorry but all the eggs have hatch you can take the hatchling with the thing you look for" Igneel said to Lucy
"If you don't mind would you take me to the hatchlings" Lucy asked bowing at Igneel
"Yes dear now get on" Igneel talked as he crotched down to Lucy so she could get on his back

- Le timeskip (brought to you by Kinnana cuddling with Eric)

Grandine POV:

I was taking care of the little ones when I see Igneel flying towards me and the hatchlings.

"Hello Igneel" I greeted him as he landed in front of us
"Hello Grandine I've brought a visitor" he said a girl got off of his back
"Oh hello miss Lucy" I greeted as she came over to me
"Hello Grandine I've come looking for something" Lucy greeted me
" what is it dear what is it" I asked her
" well does one of the hatchlings have a lacrima" she asked me with eyes full of hope
"Yes one of the hatchlings was born with a lacrima necklace around its neck" I replied
"Thank you Grandine which one is it?" Lucy questioned
"Well Lucy it's the one that is white with blue pattern on its body he doesn't have a name yet" I told her as she got near the young baby dragon

"Hi there little one" said Lucy as she got close to the hatchling"Lucy I don't think it's a great idea to get close" I said to her"Grandine!!! She's taking him to the human world to use the lacrima to save Fairytail" Igneel told me as I gave in"We...

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"Hi there little one" said Lucy as she got close to the hatchling
"Lucy I don't think it's a great idea to get close" I said to her
"Grandine!!! She's taking him to the human world to use the lacrima to save Fairytail" Igneel told me as I gave in
"Wendy is fine Grandine so don't worry" said Lucy to me
"good I was worried so I will allow you to take the hatchling if you name him before you go" I told her
"His name will be Dagno" Said Lucy as Dagno nodded at the chosen name agreeing to it while Lucy petted him
"Dagno? That is a good name" I told Lucy as she stoped petting Dagno
"Now Lucy please take care of him and make sure you hide him so no one will try to keep him"said Igneel to Lucy
"Yes Igneel I will take care of Dagno don't worry" said Lucy to Igneel

Lucy POV:
I told Igneel I would take care of Dagno if it's the last thing I do. It doesn't matter if I die what matters is that I protect my nakama, Dagno, Cerberus and the unicorn that I will soon meet. I will protect them even if i die. Doing so even if it's my last breath.

"Lucy take care of Dagno" said Grandine
"Yes Grandine please don't worry I will risk my life to protect him" I told Grandine holding my right arm over my heart.
"Okay Lucy, Dagno is all yours" said Grandine
"Dear Lucy would like for me to open the portal" said Igneel
"Yes please but before I go what element is Dagno" I asked them while touching Dagno's head.
"Oh . . . Dagno has Gravitational, water, ice, and crystal Dragon magic" said Grandine
"He is special since his mother is the elemental dragon so that makes Dagno your brother since you studied under her" said Igneel
"Remember we dragons grow up fast and we could transform into humans so please take care that he doesn't transform into a dragon" said Grandine
"Yes Grandine, so Dagno can you transform into a human for a while?" I asked Dagno as he nodded in agreement and transformed into a three old human child.
"I will open the gate to magnolia goodbye Lucy and Dagno" said Igneel as I carried human self to the portal and enter.

~Le time skip (Cause author is Lazy)

I walked out in front of the group with Dagno holding my hand. The group looked at me and saw Dagno.
"Why do you have a child and not the lacrima" asked Natsu
"This is Dagno he is like my brother since his mom thought me just like Gajeel, Natsu, Wendy, Sting, and Rouge are like my siblings well somewhat" I said
"wait so you mean you're my sister?" Said Natsu
"Well not really but somewhat since your dragon start me too" I told him
"I always wanted a sister" said Wendy looking at me with a happy smile
"Great now you know that, Max where's Cerberus" I asked as I petted Dagno's head
"right here" he said as Cerberus ran to me
"Hey boy come here" I said as I got down to see Cerberus
"This is Dagno and Dagno this is Cerberus" I told them as they look at each other

Dagno reached out to pet Cerberus and he did Cerberus started to lick Dagno very happily. Two down one more to go.
"Hey Wendy can you take care of Dagno please" I told as I gave Dagno to her
"Yes big sister I'll take care of your brother Dagno" said Wendy grabbing Dagno's hand
"Thank you now it's time for me to go to the hidden forest to find the unicorn" I said to the others as I went to the portal

Here I come unicorns to the hidden forest.

Thanks for reading hope y'all enjoy there will be another update today and a special update tomorrow since it'll be my 16th birthday I hope y'all will keep reading. Love y'all my cookies till next time on here. COOKIES.

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