1. Tagfest

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Guests make the show better and let's gather a bunch here!

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Guests make the show better and let's gather a bunch here!

Let's begin the joy in the most traditional way. Allow us to present you with a few questions to cherish all the poetic moments in wattpad.

Tag the one

🎊 Who introduced you to Wattpad.

🎊 Wattpad introduced you for the first time.

🎊 Who introduced you to the world of poetry.

🎊 Who is your favourite Poet!

🎊 Who is your dearest Aesthete!

🎊 Who made you pick good poetic collections.

🎊 Whose verses bring a smile on your face.

🎊 Whose comments make you jump in joy!

🎊 Who you would think will read their poetry in their birthday party.

🎊 With a poetic mindset you had ever met!

🎊 Who loves poems more than stories.

🎊 Whose announcement board is more of a verse than just words.

🎊 Whose entire profile is very aesthetic or poetic or dreamy!

🎊 Whose friendship in this app is an unsaid poem.

Let the world of wattpad know how much you celebrate them. Spread smiles and happy shines!

Chimes of cheers,
Team Wattpad Poetry

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