3. A Letter to Self

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The world loves to be eighteen when they are eight and wish they stayed eight once they are eighteen

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The world loves to be eighteen when they are eight and wish they stayed eight once they are eighteen.

Keeping this in mind here we present an opportunity to write a letter to your eight year old self.

🔸️ Now tell us that one piece of advice or wisdom that you would tell your younger self.

🔸️ If you would wish to thank yourself for that one decision you made with anxiety which eventually worked out or if you would wish to apologize for that neglected decision, now is the time!

🔸️ Also if you would wish to remember the transformation phase where the needs of adulthood started making sense, do write to yourself about the goods, odds and the lessons. Let's be grateful to ourself!

🔸️ Do add the promises you would make to your future self, don't forget that! We obviously need goals to keep moving ahead.

Take the pen out and start writing the letter. Drop them in the comments, let's resonate with each other! Bridge the barriers with care and affection.

Chimes of cheers,
Team Wattpad Poetry.

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