The wrap!

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Merry shall come and merry shall go, round in round!

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Merry shall come and merry shall go, round in round!

Hello Aesthetes!

Time has come and gone by quick,
And thus goes on, the clock goes tick.
For the birthday has come, a birthday has gone,
We remembered the times since Wattpad was born.
For eighteen years since they appeared,
The memories of this place do we hold dear.

Thank you for existing & being a place of joy,
A place we can share our works & enjoy,
For being a place to learn & grow,
Always allowing us to create & show.

A season of joy & memories is here,
We did so reflect, remember & cheer.
For time has come, the sand did fall,
The hourglass emptied, time stood tall.

A birthday has come, a birthday has gone,
We remembered the times since Wattpad was born,
The moments of joy & moments to remember,
We did so share into December.

It's time to end the celebration of time gone past,
We hope you've all had an absolute blast.
For without you it wouldn't be the same,
Thank you Wattpad for all you became.

A place to remember & never forget,
For this is the place where we met.
But like we said, we shall never the place it did start,
We will always remember you in our hearts.

Thank you Aesthetes!
We had a great time with you all.

With that being said, this is us, signing off.

Until next time,
Team Wattpad Poetry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2024 ⏰

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