6. The Puzzle

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By words we learn thoughts! And tell us what words you find

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By words we learn thoughts! And tell us what words you find.

Hello Aesthetes!

This is a day for all the people who love puzzles and games. And one such popular puzzle is WORDSEARCH.

Who isn't fond of some timepass games and Wordsearches stands out the most. You must have at least once in your life, where you grabbed a pencil or pen randomly and must have pounced upon this extremely cute and interesting activity.

❕️Things to Remember❕️

1. The words are all related to Wattpad 18th birthday and you need to scratch and search out at least 9 of them.

2. If you score above 9 you win.

3. Don’t forget to comment on your finds and your scores. We need to know how many of these words have your searched.

4. Do tag your friends who would love this.

Have fun!

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Have fun!

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Team Wattpad Poetry.

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