Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Brayden's POV

Time around us seemed to freeze. I barely registered the words that were said.

We're over. I can't do this anymore.

I awoke out of my daze when the sound of footsteps began to fade.

Hilary was gone, and there was nothing left but her sweet scent or Vanilla and watermelon.

I inhale the delicious scent mix and flop on the bed.

I'm crushed. A million questions flow through my mind at the possibility of why Hilary is done with me.

Was I a horrible boyfriend? Was it even me?

The questions went on and on and they couldn't even be answered.

A nurse came into the room an hour later and notified me that I wasn't allowed to be in the patients room anymore, as the patient had been sent home.

I nodded and glared icily at the nurse and she gulped down her fear and replaced it with some pride.

I walked over to my Lamborghini which was not very hard to find in the deserted parking lot.

The Maxwells had left with their daughter and god knows where Anna went. Probably off partying somewhere.

I slammed my hand against the steering wheel and smashed my head off my seat a few times.

That son of a bitch, Jace! You ruined everything! Asshole! Cunt!

I was seeing red. Because of that bastard, my Hilary was scared! And she'd broken up with me for a reason and I had to find out why.

I had to.


The next few days weren't so great. Hilary returned to school, which was surprising, but she avoided me at all costs.

After two days of her avoiding me, I noticed a sudden change in her mood. How at her locker she would secretly smile to herself, and she would talk to some nerds around school if they were near.

I decided I needed to know what was up.

Today all the students had a study hall period instead of attending one of their regular classes.

I skipped Biology knowing Hilary would be in the library for study hall.

The old librarian sat in her chair looking more miserable than ever. All eyes were on me as I entered the library and scanned the tables for Hilary.

There she was seated in the back corner of the room, with her nose in a book. Her lap top was placed in front of her, and she smiled and blushed when every few moments it would ding signalling she had a notification.

I weaved my way throw scattered chairs and studying students or fallen books.

Finally, I reached Hilary and she looked up with a big fat goofy grin on her face. The kind she used to wear when she looked at me.

Her grin turned into a frown, and she decided to ignore my presence and began typing something on her lap top.

I slammed the lap top lid shut, and Hilary jumped in surprise.

"What do you want?" She hissed.

"I want to know why you broke up with me." I stated and she paled and tried to gain some composure.

"Because we weren't working. Besides I've found someone else." She says and I feel like a knife has been stabbed through my heart multiple times.

"You h-have?" I stutter and she nods but the emotions shine thorough her eyes.

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