Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Hilary's POV

I awake to see that I'm in a white room.

Then I realize that I'm, once again, in a hospital room.

It smells like dead people in the room and I scrunch up my nose in disgust

What happened?

Suddenly, my parents burst into the room with worried looks on their faces along with a crying Anna.

"You're okay!" Anna cries and is about to throw her arms around me when,

"No." Says a voice.

I glance behind Anna and see the same doctor I had last time.

"Hi Dr James." I weakly smile and she returns the favour.

"Hello, Hilary." She says. "I would say I'm happy to see you but I wouldn't want to see any patient back in this place."

I nod in understanding knowing what she meant.

"Only this time I don't ask you police questions." She chuckles then turns to my parents.

"What's wrong with her?!" My mom says worriedly and glances down at my pale figure.

"I ran some tests and it seems that Hilary is facing a difficult time. It must be very traumatizing by the way Anna described how she found her." Dr James says and the memories come flooding back.

I can't let them know!

"I'll leave you to talk with Hilary now." Dr James says and I curse her silently.

My parents turn to me and motion for Anna to leave. She does and the room is dead silent after the click of the door.

The smell of medicine is stronger now with less people in the room to replace that horrible stench.

"Hilary, what's going on sweetheart?" Mom asks me and I know she's worried but I just don't have it in me to tell her.

"There's nothing wrong, mom." I say calmly. "Dr James must be mistaken."

"Don't eff with us, H!" Dad roars an I flinch. "We know there is something wrong."

"Well there isn't so let it be!" I scream.

"This is the second time you've ended up in the hospital!" Mom argues. "How can you be okay? "

I sigh in defeat but I won't let them know what's wrong.

"Doctors can make mistakes any they?" I say softly and my parents look down knowing what the answer is. "Exactly."

My parents stand up and leave the room wordlessly. I notice that my phone is place on the table beside me and I reach to grab it.

The photos on Instagram are still there with more likes and comments than before.

I notice that I have more than 100 DMs but I don't look at any of them. Many pictures sent to me are of the nude photos. Tears threaten to spill and I am determined to not let them.

I scroll through who has liked the photos and almost all of the likes are people from our school.

It's only a matter of time before my parents figure it out. They're on Instagram and they follow Jace. That's a fact.

Somehow I have to keep them away from their phones and get them to block Jace or something so that they never see those photos.

Tomorrow is a school day and I dread the fact of having to ace everyone who has seen those photos. All the nasty comments that will be thrown my way.

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