Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Jace's POV

I couldn't get a chance to explain before the beeping on my phone came to a stop.

Hilary had hung up.

I was going to tell her about And that I was Liam. And the plan that Chelsea was planning.

But she wouldn't have believed me anyway. Not after what I did to her.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I perked up thinking that Hilary had called back but the flashing ID read Chelsea's name.

"Hello, Jace." Chelsea hissed.

"What do you want now?" I asked. The nerve of this bitch.

"Oh, fuck off Mr Grumpy." She giggled. "I need you to stay wherever you are until I'm through with Hilary. Also the Liam thing was genius. But I want you to do something more."

"And what is that?" I asked and she told me.

And by the time she was done I was horrified.

"You want me to do what?!" I screeched at the top of my lungs and Chelsea cackled.

"Yes that's what I want you to do. Anyways if you don't I have no problem hacking into your account and doing it myself." Chelsea warned.


"Also I may also destroy her life another way." Chelsea said. "Goodbye Jace."

The like went dead and I dropped my phone to the floor.

Even when the shattering pieces hit my shoes I didn't move.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?


Hilary's POV

After agreeing to go to Adam Channing's party (whoever the hell that was) Anna insisted that I wear one of her sexy black dresses.

To be honest, black dresses are all she owns. It makes her seem like some kind of goth.

The dress she'd picked out for me was strapless and the breast section was covered in times times and sparkles.

The back was open with some lace dancing across the back and a thin black belt wrapped around the waist.

The dress fell to me knees and matched perfectly with my black pumps.

Anna claimed that'd since she was a year older she knew more about make up and should do it so I let her. She also fussed over my hair so I let her do that as well.

My long hair fell into sexy beach waves down my back, and the red lipstick made my plump lips stand out and made me look vulnerable and innocent.

"Are you trying to get me laid?!" I scream in outrage and Anna giggles in amusement.

"Maybe," she says, "But, you look great anyway, so lemme me finish!"

Since this sorta counted as 'sister-binding time' I controlled my anger and annoyance and let me sister finding off my make up.

She gave me a black-red smokey eye and applied layers and layers of mascara.

"There, you look sexy!" Anna exclaimed happily as she tugged on her pale pink denim jacket.

Currently, we stood in the front hall waiting for Adam to pick us up.

Anna wore a simple thin-strap dress that hugged all her curves perfectly. The dress came down just above her knees.

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