Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Hilary's POV

As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them instantly.

Brayden looks completely torn and terrified. He runs out of the room and I to, feel the same way.

"What was that all about?" Anna questions and I leave the room t get some fresh air outside.

I exit Adams house just in time to see a certain Lamborghini leave with a certain someone in it.

The car zooms down the road way past the speed limit, and soon is out of sight.

The tears threatening to leave my eyes won't make it out. I won't let them. I cannot cry any longer.

I sink to my knees on the grass and barely realize that the party has resumed and the music is back to thumping wildly.

Anna doesn't come to check on me. She's probably in another heated make-out session with Adam.

She hasn't changed at all.

I get up and run down the street not knowing where I'm going.

I run even though I'm in six inch heels. What a stupid idea.

I trip after a few steps sending myself tumbling to the concrete ground. Scraps cover my arms and legs, but I get up and resume running.

After what seems like hours, I stop and pant in front of what seems to be some sort of bar.

I'm about to turn around and leave when,

"Hey Lady! You're a little young to be wandering around by yourself." Someone calls out and work whistles.

I scowl in irritation.

"Screw off, ass!" I say to a bulky man. He looks well built and is covered in piercings and tattoos.

A black bandana is tied around his bald head and a creepy smile is spread wide on his sagging face.

"Now that's not a very nice thing to say, sexy." The man says and before I know it, he's grabbed me.

His smile widens and something evil passes through his eyes. His smile is almost identical to Chelsea's.

"Let me go creep!" I yell and evil laughter sounds from the psycho in front of me.

The people hanging around the bar don't seem to notice my struggle, and are to drunk to anyway.

"I don't think I will." He says sloppily leaving wet kisses on my neck.

I let the tears slide down my cheeks.

"Let me go..." I whisper but what's the use.

The man was about to undo the zipper on my dress when....

"HEY!" Someone calls.

I look up to see a familiar looking face, but I'm not sure. My glasses over eyes fog my vision but I hear a series of cracks and groans.

I quickly wipe my eyes to thank my saver profusely.

When I open my eyes I'm shocked to see an angry Brayden glaring at the man, who minutes before was going to rape me.

Why am I always the victim?

I begin sobbing hysterically and I run to Brayden and hug him tight.

Why did I have to break up with him? Why did things have to be so hard?!

I pull away and realize what a mistake I've made. If Jace finds out....

"I'm sorry." I whisper. "But I have to go."

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