Chapter 4 - Percabeth - Percy's POV

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I'm walking to the dining pavilion for breakfast with Jason. We are having another argument (of course just jokingly).
"Wellll," Jason begins, with a cocky tone to his voice, "I was Praetor of New Rome."
I laugh quietly. Does he really think he'll win one of these. "So was I. I also defeated the Minotaur when I was 12, then a Hydra, Medusa, Polyphemus, was offered god hood, but turned it down cause of Annabeth, and was a main cause in the defeat of Kronos."
Jason awkwardly looks away, knowing he had lost already. I laugh. "Bro, you know where things like these lead. You have yet to beat me once, man!"
He sighs, "It'll happen one day," he says as we arrive in the dining pavilion. We still have 10 minutes until lunch, so he wanders off to chat with some other campers and I look for Annabeth. I'm headed to Camp Jupiter for two weeks soon, so I'm trying to hang out with her as much as possible before that. I find her a few minutes later walking up to the pavilion talking with Reyna, who would be leaving for Camp Jupiter tonight. I jog over to them and greet them as I kiss Annabeths cheek. "How are you ladies doing?" I smile.
"Stressed Percy, stressed. After Gaea and Kronos rising so close together, we have no idea what may happen next." Annabeth sighs.
"We have made it through a lot, and there have been no new prophecies for months, let's just try and relax, my Wise Girl." I put my arm around her.
Reyna then waves us goodbye before going to talk to Chiron.
"And just so you know, it's not that simple. Things like this haven't occurred for millennia, Seaweed Brain. We have to know why so suddenly and what will be next." She sighs.
I smirk at her use of my nickname. "Babe, you've got to just chill for some time. Enjoy yourself while we aren't trying to win wars against Titans."
"But Percy-"
"Just relax."
I then walk her over to the back side of the Hypnos cabin, which is hidden from all the other campers, yet still close enough to the pavilion.
I rub her arms as she leans against the wall. I then kiss her, softly.
"Wise Girl, I love you."
"I love you too, Seaweed Brain."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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