Chapter 37

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Now that he had passed his verdict, it was time to send a letter to the North about the verdict, what it meant for them, and to inform them of his and his brother’s visit.

Dear Lords Rickon and Cregan Stark, 

I am writing to you about a bit of treason that my brother, Prince Daemon, has uncovered after he returned victorious from the Stepstones war. The man whom I long felt was more of a brother to me than mine own, Ser Otto Hightower, has plotted against mine own family, preventing my dear Rhaenyra from having siblings or even having her own mother present as she grew into womanhood. He also whored his daughter out to others so that she could be trained in seduction before sending her to my bed so that I might take her as my second wife. He also had members of my family and court spied upon, paid the Triarchy to eliminate my brother, and gave unlawful tax breaks to his own house and allies. He has committed his crimes in the name of his Faith, his own greed and jealousy.

As such, I have passed several degrees. One, all regions and cities must have centers of worship for at least three different faiths and clerics for each one as well. These can be any of the current Faiths in the Seven Kingdoms or any of those practiced in Essos and beyond. I know Winterfell already has a Godswood and that you have built a Temple to the Valyrian Pantheon in honor of my daughter, the first temple to our Gods in Westeros. I have also ordered that Godswoods be replanted throughout the Realm.

Two, I have decided to officially rename Wintertown to Queen’s Hearth, the name more and more people are referring to that city as. I also want to see what I can do to further make the landlocked city a bustling center for trade and commerce for the entire Realm.

Three, I have named my cousin, Princess Rhaenys the Princess Paramount of the Crownlands. Rhaenys really should have been Queen and would have been except for men like Otto manipulating things. Furthermore, the laws of succession have been changed so that inheritance passes in birth order, regardless of gender and children, male or female, born of an earlier marriage, keep their place in the order of succession. As such, Princess Laena Tyrell shall inherit the title of Princess Paramount of the Crownlands from her mother when her mother passes and her eldest daughter shall do the same to her and both the Paramount title holder and his or her heir shall hold the title of Prince or Princess.

Four, I have named my brother, Prince Daemon, as Prince Paramount of the Stepstones in addition to annulling his marriage to Lady Rhea Royce. They both shall now be able to find their own consorts and be able to pick their own heirs for their lands. The same title laws shall also apply for the Stepstones as in the Crownlands.

Five, as my beloved Aemma is now long dead, I am requesting that both of you, along with a council of Northern nobles, Nobles from the Vale and my brother Prince Daemon, to try and pass judgement upon Ser Otto Hightower. I know that I am far too weak willed of a man to offer proper sentencing of him.

Six, since my second wife, Alicent Hightower, has been ousted as a whore, I have decided that this is exactly what she shall be. I am bringing her North so that she may seduce and service the proud men of the Night’s Watch. Since she can no longer bear children, there will not be any issues that come about with their vow to never sire offspring. The funds she earns from her work will then go towards the care and protection of Lady Dracara and the other beasts and monsters I have sired and have been in Alicent’s care. I will soon begin having a special home built for them within the Red Keep.

Lastly, my brother and I along with a small retinue will be making the journey North in a month’s time. I wish to meet my grandchildren finally and my brother wishes to be reunited with his beloved niece.

With deepest regards and respect,

King Viserys.

Later that day, he would pen a similar letter to Lady Jeyne Arryn as well as letters to his cousin Princess Rhaenys and to Lord Garth Tyrell and his Lady Wife. Another Raven that would go out that day would be the one to Lady Rhea Royce to inform her that she was finally free of her loathed marriage.

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