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•Jordan's POV •

"We're having a bonfire at my house if you want to stick around," I told Will as we drove.

"I think I might just go home," he said.

"Come on, Crumpet! Have some fun!" I said. Even in the dark, I could see his smile.

"Fine, but I won't be staying for too long," he said.


"Never have I ever broken someone's heart," a girl said. I watched as Will took a big gulp. It took some persuasion but I finally got Crumpet to open up a little bit. He agreed to play never have I ever.

"Never have I ever slept with someone on the first date," Victoria said. I took a drink and made eye contact with Will as I brought the cup away from my lips.

"Never have I ever lived in another country," I said. Will gave me a glare but I could see the smile playing on his lips as he took another drink. A few people were starting to get pretty drunk. I just felt warm and happy and it was a wonderful feeling. I could feel the vodka running through my body, waking up all of my nerve endings. People were starting to leave at this point but a few of us were still sitting around the fire, playing. Ethan was chugging down some beer in between turns. He was getting to be obnoxious.

"Alright, let's go home guys," one of the guys said. He was driving everyone home. Ethan, Victoria, and a few others groaned but got up, following him out to the car.

"I didn't think you could do it, man" Ethan said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He pointed to Will who was sitting next to me.

"I owe you 100 dollars, dude. Who would have thought that you could actually get British boy to go to prom with you? 100 dollars, tomorrow. I promise" he said. He then got up and followed the rest of the group.

"What?" Will asked once he was out of earshot. It was just us left and the fire was starting to die down. "What does he mean 100 dollars? Was I fucking bet?" He asked.

"No, Crumpet, let me explain," I said. Will stood up and started walking to his car.

"Don't fucking call me that. Don't even fucking talk to me" he said. "Was this all just a joke? Is that why you were being nice? I thought I actually had a fucking friend here but it turns out that I'm just a bet" he added. I felt awful.

"Will, you can't drive. You're drunk," I said, chasing after him. I caught up to him and stood in front of the car door. "It started off as a bet but we are friends. I actually do think of you as a friend," I added. He pushed me out of the way and got in the car.

"Leave me the fuck alone," he said, extending his middle finger at me. I didn't know what to do but I knew I couldn't let him drive. He was far too drunk. I climbed into the passenger's seat quickly. "Get the fuck out of my car!" Will screamed.

"You're drunk, you can't drive" I responded.

"Why do you even care?" He yelled.

"BECAUSE I FUCKING LIKE YOU, WILL, OKAY?" I screamed. A silence filled the car and Will's eyes softened.

"That's the first time you've actually called me Will" he said quietly. His cheeks were a bright pink from the vodka and his eyes were staring straight into me. Maybe it was risky or maybe it was completely stupid. But in that moment, something clicked for me and I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

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