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• Jordan's POV •

I woke up and my head was throbbing. Hangover, great. Memories from last night flooded back into my mind and brought a blush to my cheeks. I turned over in my bed slowly so that I wouldn't wake Will. I was met by his sleeping face, a few inches from my own. His lips looked pink and delicate and his eyelashes rested softly on his cheeks. He looked beautiful. I'm not sure what this means. Maybe I'm gay. All I know is that I like Will, a lot. Thinking about kissing the boy in your bed sounds pretty gay to me. I don't need labels though. Unless that label is "Will's". I wouldn't mind having that label. Will's eyelids fluttered open and my cheeks immediately turned pink. What a way to start the day. Yeah, Will, I was just staring at your lips all morning and wanting to kiss you, no big deal. He groaned and shut his eyes again before I could say anything.

"Hangover?" I asked. He nodded. I felt awkward still sitting in bed with him. Especially without a shirt. "I'm gonna go make some breakfast, you can come down whenever you're ready," I said and quickly exited the room before he could say anything. What the hell is wrong with me? All I did was kiss him, Jesus Christ. I do better when I sleep with girls on the first date. Was that a date? Does prom count as a date? I've never been this nervous after a date, if it even was one. I picked up a shirt from a basket of clean clothes before I walked into the kitchen. I got out the carton of eggs and realized that I didn't even know if Will liked eggs. I didn't know much about Will at all. I started cooking scrambled eggs anyways because they're good for hangovers and we could both use that. By the time Will came downstairs, his plate of eggs was already sitting on the table. His eyes were squinted from the sunlight pouring in through the window and he was ruffling his hair with one hand. He had all of his stuff in the other. I watched him as he sat down at the table. He stirred up something inside of me that no girl ever has.

"I wasn't sure if you liked eggs but they help hangovers so I just thought..." I trailed off.

"I love eggs," he said with a smile. I could listen to him speak all day. I poured us both a glass of orange juice and then sat across from him at the table. "Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome," I responded, shoving a forkful of eggs into my mouth to keep myself from smiling too much. I wanted to kiss him again but I wasn't sure how he felt. Maybe he only kissed me because he was drunk. He hasn't mentioned it. Maybe he doesn't even remember. My heart sunk a little bit. He probably doesn't remember. But shit, he looked good in my clothes. I tried to watch him without staring.

"I just realized that I don't have any clothes to go home in," Will said with a laugh.

"You can wear mine, no problem," I said, smiling.

"Thanks for cooking me breakfast and letting me sleep here and for everything else," he said, standing up and setting his plate in the sink. My heart started racing. He was going home. I tried to think of an excuse to get him to stay but instead I just said, "You're welcome,"

"I'm going to head home now, my mum is probably worried about where I am," he said. I smiled when he said mum.

"I'm glad you had a good time," I said, walking behind him to the door.

"It's all because of you," he said, hesitating on my porch. I thought for a second that he was going to kiss me again and I couldn't help but hold my breath. "Bye Prom King," he said instead, walking to his car. He was laughing.

"Bye Crumpet!" I yelled, joining in his laughter. I watched him as he backed out of my driveway, waving one last time before driving away.

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