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You know who's daughter you are so yeah.

Readers POV

As Annabeth gave me a tour she explain that I was a demigod and she went over the basic things I would need to know about being one. After that she left me at the Hermes cabin.

"I'll see you later (y/n). Remember today is capture the flag!" She said.

"Okay!" I yelled back. I entered into the cabin. There weren't any people in there as I thought there would be.
(A/n: cause of Percy) Two boys that looked practically the same, came up to me and told me where I would be staying. I didn't have much except a couple of clothes that had been brought from my old home.

*Time Skip to Dinner*

I sat at the Hermes cabin with this girl named Tina. She is daughter of Hermes and one of my only friends. I saw Nico sitting at another table with a girl that I was told called Hazel. I turned my attention to Chiron who was going to be announcing the teams.

(Sorry if I don't name all of them)

"On the blue team will be Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaestus, Apollo, and Aphrodite. On the red team Zeus, Athena, Ares, Hecate, and Hades" Chiron said. He then dismissed everyone. I walked out clutching my necklace. A voice was telling me that it was my weapon. I slipped it off and took a look at it. It was an anchor. I slid my finger across it and it turned into a sword. I saw that it said Tsunami in Greek. I gave it a twirl and I went to catch up with the rest of my team.

"Okay Apollo go up into the trees and keep a look out. Hermes go set out traps everywhere that looks needed. Hephaestus stay close to the flag and keep look out. Aphrodite..... Just try to protect the flag. (y/n) come with me we're going to get the flag." Percy said going over the plan.

"Move out!" He told them as I followed him.

"This can be the moment you get claimed" Percy said as we snuck around.

"I hope so, just not an Aphrodite kid, no offense Aphrodite. There a little to girly for my liking" I replied back. We make it to a small stream as we step through it I feel power go through me but I shook it off. As we got to a small hill we spotted a flag. It was being guarded by Nico and Jason.

"I'll get Jason you get Nico" Percy said.

"Why do I have to get Nico!" I yell whisper back.

"Cause I said so!" Percy replies back.

"UGHHHH" I said a little too loud. The boys whipped there hair towards me. But I was behind the tree. Percy was in a tree close to me but far enough for them not to see it in there sight. Percy grabs a pebble and throws it in the opposite direction.


They then start walking that way. Percy gives me a small glare before grabbing Jason and putting his hand over his mouth. He mouths me to get Nico and get the flag. I walk over to Nico, him having his back towards me. I then tackle him down. Putting my sword to his neck. I heard him chuckle softly.

"Look who's been practicing" Nico said.

"I've only been here a day, but Percy helped me a bit and sword was an easy thing" I say.

"Well I wouldn't be surprised if your a daughter of Ares" he said smirking at me.

"(Y/n) (L/n), daughter of Ares..... Doesn't sound right does it?" I said.

All of a sudden he turns around and pins me to the ground.

"It doesn't" he said, as I blushed. He was straddling me his knees both sides of my hip as his sword was on my neck. I looked over at Percy to see that someone has gotten Jason. He motioned me to distract Nico. I look back at Nico who was looking around. I guess he didn't notice me looking at Percy.

"Well what do you think it should be, death boy?" I asked him looking at his eyes with a smirk. He blushed a bit as I poked him in his chest. Out of the corner of my eye is see Percy sneak and grab the flag.

"Well I totally thought you were going to be Percy's sister when I saw you, you were really sassy and a bit stubborn" he said. This caused Percy to look at me with wonder as if maybe I was.

"Well he wouldn't make a bad brother would he" I said. I sent a wink to Percy but Nico though it was meant for him.

"Guess not" Nico said. Percy chuckled a bit causing Nico to snap his head towards him.

"Oh gods" Percy said as he started to run back to base. Nico jumped off of me and started to raise the dead.

"Shit!" I said as I start to run after Percy. Skeletons started to chase me and one scratched my arm leaving me a deep cut. I trip over the rock causing me to fall on that little stream we had come by earlier. Energy started flowing back to me again and the cut healed itself. I grabbed my sword and started to destroy all of the skeletons. When I was done Nico came to me and smirked.

"You against me (Y/n)" he said. I picked up my sword and as I did water from the stream strafed to swirl around it.

"What the f-" I said before I was floating a bit in the air and then something happened. I was wearing a sea blue dress, with a waterfall braid, small blue heals with the little mermaid on it, a necklace with a treble clef on it, and a bow was around my shoulder with arrows at my waist. When I got to my feet Nico kneeled down blushing deep red and said,

"All hail (Y/n) (L/n), daughter of Posedion....... And blessed by Lord Apollo and Lady Aphrodite"

Comment what you think!
Part 5 will be the last part.
Oh and I also made the outfit 💁🏻

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