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Reader's POV

I was walking out of my cabin (Poseidon) and I headed to get breakfast. I felt a hand wrap itself around my waist. I whipped my hair to see who it was.

"Hey (cute nickname)" Nico said as he attempted to kiss my lips. I move my head a bit and he kisses my cheek. He just seems to slide it off and we walk into breakfast together.

"Hey y/n do you want to have a date at the beach later today?" He asked me

"I would love to!" I smiled

--------------Later in the day--------------

I got dressed in my favorite bathing suit (picture) and put all of my stuff on and started to head to the beach. I saw a couple of guys looking at me and some even came up to me trying to flirt but they massively failed. I just told him that my boyfriend was the son of Hades and they disappeared instantly.

I finally reach Nico who was sitting on a picnic blanket and I sighed I relief.

"Thank the Gods that I finally got here" I said sitting down.

"What happened?" He asked me as he went in to kiss my lips. I quickly turn my face away and he kisses my cheek.

"Some guys were trying to flirt with me on my way here" I said.

"Well did you tell them your mine?" He asked 

"Of course I did!" I said.

"Good cause your all mine" he said kissing my nose then forehead then cheeks. He finally was going to kiss my lips when I interrupted him by lightly pushing him away.

"Hey how about we go swimming?" I asked him.

He pulls away rolling his eyes.

"What is up with you? Am I doing something wrong? All day today I have been trying to kiss you and you seem to find an excuse to turn away? Do you not love me anymore?" He said standing up. I stood up right after.

"No your the best boyfriend I can ever ask for" I said.

"Then tell me what is it?" He said coming close and wrapping his arms around my waist. Our faces were centimeters apart.

"My lips have been chapped all day and I though you would be grossed out" I said looking away.

"Your so cute" he said letting out a little chuckle. I gasped and crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

"I don't care if you have a cold swore or your lips are chapped or if you are sick. I cannot survive without your kisses. They are what makes me want to keep going" he said. I couldn't help but smile and slowly he leaned in and kissed my chapped lips. It was a soft kiss and probably one of the best ones I have ever had. Nico pulled away and pulled something small out of his pocket.

"Here have some Chapstick" he told me as he handed me a small cherry Chapstick. I couldn't help but giggle causing him to let out his wonderful laugh and show his beautiful smile.


I'll explain a lot of stuff in the next authors note.

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